- .gif, Експортувати зображення як GIF
- .jpeg, Експортувати зображення як JPEG
- .jpg, Експортувати зображення як JPEG
- .png, Глосарій
- .psd, Глосарій
- .xcf, Глосарій
- .xcf.gz, Глосарій
- 3D Transform, 3D Transform
- 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, Advanced Options
- Інтернет
- Зображення для інтернету, Preparing your Images for the Web
- Альфа, Глосарій
- Анімація
- Creating an animated brush, The GIH Dialog Box
- Параметри анімаційного GIF, Експортувати зображення як GIF
- Баланс білого, Баланс білого
- Вади, Reporting Bugs and Requesting Enhancements
- Вибір
- Рухомий вибір, Глосарій
- Вирівнювання, Вирівнювання
- Відтінки сірого
- Перегляд, Глосарій
- Вікно вітання, Customize Splash-Screen
- Гама, Глосарій
- Глибина кольорів, Глосарій
- Глосарій, Глосарій
- Гістограма, Глосарій
- Додатки
- Визначення, Глосарій
- Доповнювати, Глосарій
- Друк
- Printing your photos, Printing Your Photos
- Експортування зображень, Збереження/Експортування зображень
- Експортувати зображення як GIF, Експортувати зображення як GIF
- Експортувати зображення як JPEG, Експортувати зображення як JPEG
- Експортувати зображення як PNG, Експортувати зображення як PNG, Експортувати зображення як PNG
- Експортувати зображення як TIFF, Експортувати зображення як TIFF
- Експортувати зображення як WebP, Експортувати зображення як WebP
- Збереження/Експортування зображень, Збереження/Експортування зображень
- Згладжування
- Пояснення, Глосарій
- Значення, Глосарій
- Зображення
- Контури,
- Текст, Текст
- Канал, Глосарій
- Канал прозорості, Глосарій
- Квантування, Глосарій
- Керування кольором, Глосарій
- Кольори
- Баланс білого, Баланс білого
- Вирівнювання, Вирівнювання
- Підсилення кольорів, Підсилення кольорів
- Підсилити кольори (старий), Підсилити кольори (старий)
- Розтягнути контрастність, Розтягнути контрастність
- Розтягування кольорів у просторі HSV, Розтягнути контрастність HSV
- Колір, Глосарій
- Additive color model, Глосарій
- Indexed colors, Глосарій
- Subtractive color synthesis, Глосарій
- Значення, Глосарій
- Насиченість, Глосарій
- Позначення HTML, Глосарій
- Розмиття, Глосарій
- Контрастність, Розтягнути контрастність
- Контури
- Користування,
- Лінія
- Drawing a straight line, Drawing Simple Objects
- Маски
- Перегляд, Глосарій
- Швидка маска
- Using Quick Mask, Using QuickMask Mode
- Модель кольорів, Глосарій
- Налаштувати
- Вікно вітання, Customize Splash-Screen
- Скорочення, Creating Shortcuts to Menu Commands
- Напрямні
- Using, Глосарій
- Насиченість, Глосарій
- Пензлі
- Changing brush size, Changing brush size
- Додати новий, Adding New Brushes
- Формати файлів, Adding New Brushes
- Позначення
- Додати / Віднімати позначені ділянки, Додавання або віднімання позначених ділянок
- Зміна розмірів позначеного, Пересування або зміна розмірів позначеного
- Користування, Creating and Using Selections
- Переміщення позначеного, Пересування або зміна розмірів позначеного
- Позначення HTML, Глосарій
- Прозорість
- Exporting images with transparency, Saving Images with Transparency
- Канал прозорості, Глосарій
- Прямокутник
- Drawing a rectangle, Drawing Simple Objects
- Підручники
- Drawing a rectangle, Drawing Simple Objects
- Drawing a straight line, Drawing Simple Objects
- Підсилення кольорів, Підсилення кольорів
- Підсилити кольори (старий), Підсилити кольори (старий)
- Піксель, Глосарій
- Розмивання, Глосарій
- Розмиття, Глосарій
- Розтягнути контрастність, Розтягнути контрастність
- Розтягнути контрастність HSV, Розтягнути контрастність HSV
- СЩП, Глосарій
- Скорочення, Creating Shortcuts to Menu Commands
- Супердискретизація, Глосарій
- Текст
- Embellishing text, Embellishing Text
- Шрифти, Додавання шрифтів
- Флойда-Штайнберга, Глосарій
- Формат файла, Глосарій
- Формати
- BMP, Глосарій
- GBR, Adding New Brushes
- GIF, Експортувати зображення як GIF
- GIH, Adding New Brushes
- JPEG, Експортувати зображення як JPEG
- MNG, Експортувати зображення як PNG
- MYB, Adding New Brushes
- PDF, Глосарій
- PNG, Експортувати зображення як PNG
- PostScript, Глосарій
- SVG, Глосарій
- TGA, Глосарій
- TIFF, Експортувати зображення як TIFF
- VBR, Adding New Brushes
- WebP, Експортувати зображення як WebP
- XCF, Глосарій
- СЩП, Глосарій
- Фотографія, Working with Digital Camera Photos
- Футляр пензлів, Глосарій
- Шар, Глосарій
- Creating new layers, Creating New Layers
- Широкий динамічний діапазон, Глосарій
- Шрифти
- Додати, Додавання шрифтів
- Проблеми, Проблеми зі шрифтами
- біт/піксель, Глосарій
- Abyss Policy, Options
- Acquire, Create
- Add Alpha channel, Add Alpha Channel
- Add Bevel, Add Bevel
- Add Border, Add Border
- Addition, Lighten Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Airbrush, Airbrush
- Alien Map, Alien Map
- Align, Align
- Align visible layers, Align Visible Layers…
- Alpha, Threshold Alpha
- Alpha Channel, Layer Properties
- Anchor Layer, Anchor layer
- Animation
- Optimize, Optimize
- Playback, Playback
- Antialias, Antialias
- Antialiasing
- Preserve anti-aliasing, Semi-flatten
- Apply Layer Mask (command),
Apply Layer Mask
- Apply Lens, Apply Lens
- Assign Color Profile, Assign Color Profile
- Background color, Color Area
- Background layer, Layer Properties
- Basic Setup, Main Windows
- Bayer Matrix, Bayer Matrix
- Behind (paint mode), Paint Mode Examples
- Bézier curve, Paths
- Black point, Levels
- Blend, Blend
- Blending Modes, Layer Modes
- Bloom, Bloom
- Blur/Sharpen, Blur/Sharpen
- BMP, Глосарій
- Border, Border
- Border Average, Border Average
- Browser
- Plug-In, Plug-In Browser
- Procedure, The Procedure Browser
- Brush, Pattern, Gradient area
- Preferences, Options
- Brushes, Brushes Dialog
- Animated brushes
- Introduction, Brushes
- Clipboard brush, The Clipboard Brush
- Color, Brushes
- Dialog, Brushes Dialog
- Filter brush, Further Information
- History brush, Further Information
- Introduction, Brushes
- Ordinary, Brushes
- Parametric, Brushes
- Toolbox Indicator Area, Tools Indicator Area
- Bucket Fill, Bucket Fill
- Buffers
- Copy named, Buffers Dialog
- Cut named, Buffers Dialog
- Dialog, Buffers Dialog
- Named Buffers: Cut/Copy/Paste, Buffer
- Paste named, Buffers Dialog
- Bump Map, Bump Map
- Burn, Darken Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Burn-In, Burn-In
- Cage, The Cage Tool
- Calibrate monitor, Display
- Canvas
- effect, Apply Canvas
- Fit canvas size to layers, Fit Canvas to Layers
- Fit canvas size to selection, Fit Canvas to Selection
- Padding color, Padding Color
- Size, Canvas Size
- Snap to canvas, Snap to Canvas
- Canvas boundary
- Show/mask canvas boundary, Show Canvas Boundary
- Canvas effect, Apply Canvas
- Cartoon, Cartoon
- Cartoon (legacy), Cartoon (legacy)
- Center Image in Window, Center Image in Window
- Chain icon, Layer Properties
- Channel, Basic Concepts
- Channel mask, Selection masks
- Channel to Selection, Managing channels
- Create a New Channel Mask, Managing channels
- Delete Channel Mask, Managing channels
- Dialog, Channels Dialog
- Duplicate Channel Mask, Managing channels
- Edit Channel Attributes, Managing channels
- Move Channel Mask, Managing channels
- Channel encoding, Глосарій
- Channel Mixer, Channel Mixer
- Channels
- Menu, Channels Context Menu
- Checkerboard, Checkerboard
- Checkerboard (legacy), Checkerboard (legacy)
- CIE lch Noise, CIE lch Noise
- Circuit, Circuit
- Circular Motion Blur, Circular Motion Blur
- Clear, Clear
- Clip Warning, Clip Warning
- Clipboard Brush, The Clipboard Brush
- Clipboard pattern, The Clipboard pattern
- Clipping
- Transform, Tool Options
- Clone, Clone
- Close, Close
- Clothify, Clothify
- CML Explorer, CML Explorer
- CMYK, Глосарій
- Coffee Stain, Coffee Stain
- Color, Color Management in GIMP
- Adjust level colors, Levels
- Color Balance, Color Balance
- Color display, Display Filters
- Deficient vision, Color Deficient Vision
- Grab color, Color Picker
- Merging layer Modes, Layer Modes
- Padding color of canvas, Padding Color
- Palettes, Palettes Dialog
- Palettes (color map), Palettes
- Selection by color, Select By Color
- Color area
- Preferences, Options
- Color Area, Color Area
- Color Balance, Color Balance
- Color Erase, Normal Layer Modes
- Color Erase (paint mode), Paint Mode Examples
- Color Exchange, Color Exchange
- Color management, Display Calibration and Profiling
- Color Management, Color Management, Options, Color Management
- Assign Color Profile, Assign Color Profile
- Convert to Color Profile, Convert to Color Profile
- Discard Color Profile, Discard Color Profile
- Enable Color Management, Enable Color Management
- Save Color Profile to File, Save Color Profile to File
- Submenu,
Color Management
- Color Picker, Color Picker
- Color profile, Display Calibration and Profiling
- Color Profile, Color Management
- Color Selector, FG/BG Color Dialog
- Color Temperature, Color Temperature
- Color to Alpha, Color to Alpha, Color to Alpha…
- Color to Gray, Color to Gray
- Colorcube Analysis, Colorcube Analysis
- Colorize, Colorize
- Colormap, Colormap Dialog
- Rearrange, Rearrange Colormap
- Set, Set Colormap
- Colors
- Alien Map, Alien Map
- Auto, The «Auto» Submenu
- Border Average, Border Average
- Color Temperature, Color Temperature
- Color to Alpha, Color to Alpha…
- Color to Gray, Color to Gray
- Colorcube Analysis, Colorcube Analysis
- Colorize, Colorize
- Components, The «Components» Submenu
- Channel mixer, Channel Mixer
- Compose, Compose
- Decompose, Decompose
- Extract Component, Extract Component
- Mono-mixer, Mono Mixer
- Recompose, Recompose
- Desaturate, The «Desaturate» Submenu
- Desaturate, Desaturate
- Sepia, Sepia
- Dither, Dither
- Exchange colors, Color Exchange
- Export Histogram, Export Histogram
- Exposure, Exposure
- Fattal et al. 2002, Fattal et al. 2002
- Hot, Hot…
- Hue-Chroma, Hue Chroma
- Info, The «Info» Submenu
- Invert, Invert
- Linear Invert, Linear Invert
- Mantiuk 2006, Mantiuk 2006
- Map, The «Map» Submenu
- Gradient Map, Gradient Map
- Palette Map, Palette Map
- Posterize, Posterize
- Reinhard 2005, Reinhard 2005
- RGB Clip, RGB Clip
- Rotate, Rotate Colors
- Sample Colorize, Sample Colorize
- Saturation, Saturation
- Shadows and Highlights, Shadows-Highlights
- Smooth Palette, Smooth Palette
- Stress, Stress
- Stretching, Automatic Color-Stretching
- Threshold, Threshold
- Tone Mapping, The «Tone Mapping» Submenu
- Retinex, Retinex
- Value Invert, Value Invert
- Command line Arguments, Command Line Arguments
- Comment, Advanced Options
- Compose, Compose
- Composition guides, Tool Options
- Concepts, Basic Concepts
- Context menus, Context Menus
- Contrast, Contrast
- Convert to Color Profile, Convert to Color Profile
- Convolution Matrix, Convolution Matrix
- Copy Image Location, Copy Image Location
- Copy Named, Buffers Dialog
- Copy Visible, Copy Visible
- Copy Visible (Layers), Copy Visible
- Create Template, Create Template…
- Crop, Crop
- Crop Layer, Crop Layer
- Crop to content, Crop Image, Crop Layer
- Crop to selection, Crop Image
- CSS Keywords, Using the «FG/BG color» dialog
- Cubism, Cubism
- Curve Bend, Curve Bend
- Curves, Curves
- Cut, Cut
- Cut Named, Buffers Dialog
- Darken only, Darken Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Dashboard, Dashboard
- Data folders
- Preferences, Data Folders
- Debugging, Debugging
- Decompose, Decompose
- Decor, Introduction
- Deinterlace, Deinterlace
- Depth Merge, Depth Merge
- Desaturate, Desaturate
- Color to Gray, Color to Gray
- Despeckle, Despeckle
- Destripe, Destripe
- Device Status, Device Status Dialog
- Diagonal Neighbors, Fuzzy selection (Magic wand)
- Dialog
- Sample Points, Sample Points Dialog
- Symmetry Painting, Symmetry Painting dialog
- Dialogs
- Brushes, Brushes Dialog
- Buffers, Buffers Dialog
- Channels, Channels Dialog
- Color Selector, FG/BG Color Dialog
- Colormap, Colormap Dialog
- Device Status, Device Status Dialog
- Docking, Dialogs and Docking
- Document History, Document History Dialog
- Fonts, Fonts Dialog
- Gradient Dialog, Gradients Dialog
- Histogram, Histogram dialog
- Images, Images Dialog
- Introduction, Dialog Introduction
- Layers, Layers Dialog
- MyPaint Brushes, MyPaint Brushes Dialog
- Palettes, Palettes Dialog
- Paths, Paths Dialog
- Patterns, Patterns Dialog
- Pointer, Pointer Dialog
- Preferences, Preferences Dialog
- Color Management, Color Management
- Data folders, Data Folders
- Display, Display
- Folders, Folders
- Help System, Help System
- Image Windows, Image Windows, Image Window Appearance
- Interface, Interface
- Title and Statusbar, Image Window Title and Statusbar
- Tool Options, Tool Options
- Toolbox, Toolbox
- Window management, Window Management
- Templates, Templates Dialog
- Undo History, Undo History Dialog
- Difference, Inversion Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Difference Clouds, Difference Clouds
- Difference of Gaussians, Difference of Gaussians
- Differential, Edge
- Diffraction patterns (filter), Diffraction Patterns
- Dilate, Dilate
- Disable Layer Mask, Disable Layer Mask
- Discard Color Profile, Discard Color Profile
- Displace, Displace
- Display
- Dot for Dot, Dot for Dot
- Full Screen, Full Screen
- Preferences, Display
- Display-referred, Глосарій
- Display-referred black , Глосарій
- Display-referred white, Глосарій
- Dissolve, Normal Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Distance Map, Distance Map
- Distort Selection, Distort
- Dither, Dither
- Divide, Inversion Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Docking, Dialogs and Docking
- Docks
- Add Tab, Tab Menu
- Add tab, A Brief Tutorial
- Close tab, Tab Menu
- Context Menu, Tab Menu
- Detach tab, Tab Menu
- Lock tab, Tab Menu
- Preview size, Tab Menu
- Tab menu, Tab Menu
- Tab style, Tab Menu
- View as List/Grid, Tab Menu
- Document History, Document History Dialog
- Menu, Document History Context Menu
- Dodge, Lighten Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Dodge/Burn, Dodge/Burn
- Dot for dot, Options
- Dot for Dot, Dot for Dot
- Draw, How to Draw Straight Lines
- Drawable, Introduction to Layers
- Drop Shadow, Drop Shadow
- Drop Shadow (legacy), Drop Shadow (legacy)
- Duplicate, Duplicate
- Duplicate Layer, Duplicate layer
- Dynamics, Dynamics
- Menu, Dynamics Context Menu
- Dynamics Matrix, The Paint Dynamics Matrix
- Dynamics Options, Dynamics Options
- Edge, Edge
- Edge feathering (Selections), Options
- Edge-Detect, Introduction
- Edit Layer Mask, Edit Layer Mask
- Edit Template, Edit Template
- Editor, Selection Editor
- Ellipse Selection Tool, Ellipse Selection
- Emboss, Emboss
- Emboss (legacy), Emboss (legacy)
- Enable Color Management, Enable Color Management
- Engrave, Engrave
- Erase, Normal Layer Modes
- Eraser, Eraser
- Erode, Erode
- Error console, Error Console
- Exclusion, Inversion Layer Modes
- EXIF, Глосарій
- Export, Export… and Overwrite…
- Export As, Export As…
- Export File, Export File
- Export Histogram, Export Histogram
- Exposure, Exposure
- Extract Component, Extract Component
- Eye Dropper, Color Picker
- Fattal et al. 2002, Fattal et al. 2002
- File
- New image, Creating new Files
- Files, Files
- Open, Opening Files
- Fill Path, Fill Path
- Fill Selection Outline, Fill Selection Outline
- Fill with Background color, Fill with BG Color
- Fill with Foreground Color, Fill with FG Color
- Fill with Pattern, Fill with Pattern
- Filmstrip, Filmstrip
- Filters
- Add Bevel, Add Bevel
- Add Border, Add Border
- Animation
- Blend, Blend
- Burn-In, Burn-In
- Introduction, Animation Filters
- Optimize, Optimize
- Playback, Playback
- Rippling, Rippling
- Spinning Globe, Spinning Globe
- Waves, Waves
- Artistic
- Canvas effect, Apply Canvas
- Cartoon, Cartoon
- Cartoon (legacy), Cartoon (legacy)
- Clothify, Clothify
- Cubism, Cubism
- GIMPressionist, GIMPressionist, Orientation Map Editor, Size Map Editor
- Glass Tile, Glass Tile
- Introduction, Introduction
- Oilify, Oilify
- Oilify (legacy), Oilify (legacy)
- Photocopy, Photocopy
- Predator, Predator
- Simple Linear Iterative Clustering, Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC)
- Softglow, Softglow
- Softglow (legacy), Softglow (legacy)
- Van Gogh, Van Gogh (LIC)
- Waterpixels, Waterpixels
- Weave, Weave
- Blur, Introduction
- Circular Motion, Circular Motion Blur
- Focus Blur, Focus Blur
- Gaussian Blur, Gaussian Blur
- Lens Blur, Lens Blur
- Linear Motion, Linear Motion Blur
- Mean Curvature Blur, Mean Curvature Blur
- Median Blur, Median Blur
- Pixelize, Pixelize
- Selective Gaussian, Selective Gaussian Blur
- Tileable Blur, Tileable Blur
- Variable Blur, Variable Blur
- Zoom Motion, Zoom Motion Blur
- Combine
- Depth Merge, Depth Merge
- Filmstrip, Filmstrip
- Introduction, Introduction
- Common functions
- Introduction to filters, Introduction to the «Filters» Menu
- Re-show last, Re-show Last
- Repeat Last, Repeat Last
- Reset all, Reset All Filters
- Decor
- Coffee Stain, Coffee Stain
- Fuzzy Border, Fuzzy Border
- Introduction, Introduction
- Old Photo, Old Photo
- Round Corners, Round Corners
- Slide, Slide
- Stencil Carve, Stencil Carve
- Stencil Chrome, Stencil Chrome
- Distorts
- Curve Bend, Curve Bend
- Emboss, Emboss
- Emboss (legacy), Emboss (legacy)
- Engrave, Engrave
- Introduction, Introduction
- Kaleidoscope, Kaleidoscope
- Lens Distortion, Lens Distortion
- Mosaic, Mosaic
- Newsprint, Newsprint
- Page Curl, Page Curl
- Polar Coordinates, Polar Coordinates
- Ripple, Ripple
- Shift, Shift
- Video Degradation, Video
- Whirl and Pinch, Whirl and Pinch
- Wind, Wind
- Drop Shadow, Drop Shadow
- Edge Detect
- Difference of Gaussians, Difference of Gaussians
- Edge, Edge
- Image Gradient, Image Gradient
- Introduction, Introduction
- Laplace, Laplace
- Neon, Neon
- Sobel, Sobel
- Enhance
- Antialias, Antialias
- Deinterlace, Deinterlace
- Despeckle, Despeckle
- Destripe, Destripe
- High Pass, High Pass
- Introduction, Introduction
- NL filter, NL Filter
- Noise Reduction, Noise Reduction
- Red Eye Removal, Red Eye Removal
- Sharpen (Unsharp Mask), Sharpen (Unsharp Mask)
- Symmetric Nearest Neighbor, Symmetric Nearest Neighbor
- Wavelet-decompose, Wavelet Decompose
- Generic
- Convolution Matrix, Convolution Matrix
- Dilate, Dilate
- Distance Map, Distance Map
- Erode, Erode
- GEGL graph, GEGL graph
- Introduction, Introduction
- Normal Map, Normal Map
- Introduction, Introduction
- Light and Shadow, Introduction
- Apply Lens, Apply Lens
- Bloom, Bloom
- Drop Shadow (legacy), Drop Shadow (legacy)
- Gradient Flare, Gradient Flare
- Lens Flare, Lens Flare
- Lighting effects, Lighting Effects
- Perspective, Perspective
- Sparkle, Sparkle
- Supernova, Supernova
- Xach-Effect, Xach-Effect
- Long Shadow, Long Shadow
- Map
- bump-map, Bump Map
- Displace, Displace
- Fractal Trace, Fractal Trace
- Fractal Trace (legacy), Fractal Trace (legacy)
- Illusion, Illusion
- Introduction, Introduction
- Little Planet, Little Planet
- Map Object, Map Object
- Panorama Projection, Panorama Projection
- Paper Tile, Paper Tile
- Recursive Transform, Recursive Transform
- Tile, Tile
- Tile Seamless, Tile Seamless
- Menu, Introduction to the «Filters» Menu
- Noise
- CIE lch, CIE lch Noise
- HSV Noise, HSV Noise
- Hurl, Hurl
- Introduction, Introduction
- Pick, Pick
- RGB Noise, RGB Noise
- Slur, Slur
- Spread, Spread
- Render
- Bayer Matrix, Bayer Matrix
- Cell Noise, Cell Noise
- Checkerboard, Checkerboard
- Checkerboard (legacy), Checkerboard (legacy)
- Circuit, Circuit
- CML Explorer, CML Explorer
- Difference Clouds, Difference Clouds
- Diffraction, Diffraction Patterns
- Flame, Flame
- Fog, Fog
- Fractal Composition, IFS Fractal
- Fractal Explorer, Fractal Explorer
- Gfig, Gfig
- Grid, Grid
- Grid (legacy), Grid (legacy)
- Introduction, Introduction
- Jigsaw, Jigsaw
- Lava, Lava
- Line Nova, Line Nova
- Linear Sinusoidal textures, Linear Sinusoid
- Maze, Maze
- Perlin Noise, Perlin Noise
- Plasma, Plasma
- Random textures, Qbist
- Simplex Noise, Simplex Noise
- Sinusoidal textures, Sinus
- Solid Noise, Solid Noise
- Sphere Designer, Sphere Designer
- Spiral, Spiral
- Spyrogimp, Spyrogimp
- Vignette, Vignette
- Web
- Clickable image, ImageMap
- Introduction, Web Filters
- Semi-Flatten, Semi-Flatten
- Slice, Slice
- filters
- Distorts, Spherize
- Fit canvas to layers, Fit Canvas to Layers
- Fit canvas to selection, Fit Canvas to Selection
- Flame, Flame
- Flatten, Flatten Image
- Flip, Flip, Flip Horizontally; Flip Vertically
- Flip & Rotate, Flip & Rotate (0°)
- Flip horizontally (layer), Flip Horizontally
- Flip vertically (layer), Flip Vertically
- Focus Blur, Focus Blur
- Fog, Fog
- Fonts
- Dialog, Fonts Dialog
- Foreground color, Color Area
- Foreground Select, Foreground Select
- Fractal Explorer, Fractal Explorer
- Fractal trace, Fractal Trace
- Fractal trace (legacy), Fractal Trace (legacy)
- Full Screen, Full Screen
- Fuzzy Border, Fuzzy Border
- Fuzzy Selection, Fuzzy selection (Magic wand)
- Gamma, Gamma, Levels
- Gamut, Глосарій
- Gaussian Blur, Gaussian Blur
- GBR, Adding New Brushes
- GEGL graph, GEGL graph
- GEGL operation, GEGL Operation
- Gfig, Gfig
- GIF, Експортувати зображення як GIF, Глосарій
- GIH, Adding New Brushes
- Getting Unstuck, Вступ
- Історичні відомості, GIMP History
- Вади, Reporting Bugs and Requesting Enhancements
- Вступ, Вітаємо у GIMP
- Як зробити власний внесок?, Як взяти участь?
- GIMP Online, GIMP online
- GIMPressionist, GIMPressionist, Orientation Map Editor, Size Map Editor
- Glass Tile, Glass Tile
- Gradient, Gradient, Edge
- Dialog, Gradients Dialog
- Editor, The Gradient Editor
- From palette, The «Palettes» context menu
- New gradient, Using example for the Gradient Editor
- Overview, Gradients
- Tool, Gradient
- Toolbox Indicator Area, Tools Indicator Area
- Gradient CSS code snippet, Using the «Gradients» dialog
- Gradient Flare, Gradient Flare
- Gradient Map, Gradient Map
- Grain extract, Inversion Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Grain merge, Inversion Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Grayscale
- Convert to grayscale, Grayscale mode
- Grid
- Cell Noise, Cell Noise
- configure, Configure Grid…
- Default setting, Default Image Grid
- Grid (legacy) filter, Grid (legacy)
- Grid filter, Grid
- Overview, Grids and Guides
- Perlin Noise, Perlin Noise
- Show/Mask Grid, Show Grid
- Simplex Noise, Simplex Noise
- Snap to Grid, Snap to Grid
- Guide
- Add, New Guide
- Add by percent, New Guide (by Percent)
- Move, Summary of Move tool actions
- Guides,
- Add from selection, New Guides from Selection
- Overview, Grids and Guides
- Remove, Remove all guides
- Selection guides, Tool Options
- Show/Mask Guides, Show Guides
- Snap to Guides, Snap to Guides
- Transform, Tool Options
- Guillotine, Slice Using Guides
- Handle Transform, Handle Transform
- Hard light, Contrast Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Hard mix, Contrast Layer Modes
- Heal, Heal
- HEIF/HEIC, Експортувати зображення як HEIF/HEIC
- Help, Help System, Help
- Context help, Context Help
- Menu, Introduction to the «Help» Menu
- Online, GIMP online
- Overview, About
- Search and Run a Command, Search and Run a Command
- Tip of the Day, Tip of the Day
- High Pass, High Pass
- Histogram, Histogram dialog
- Hot, Hot…
- HSL Color, HSV Components Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- HSV Hue, HSV Components Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- HSV Noise, HSV Noise
- HSV Saturation, HSV Components Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- HSV Value, HSV Components Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Hue-Chroma, Hue Chroma
- Hue-Saturation, Hue-Saturation
- Hurl, Hurl
- ICC profile, Color Management in GIMP
- Icon Theme, Icon Theme
- IFS Fractal, IFS Fractal
- Illusion, Illusion
- Image, Images Dialog
- Acquire an image, Create
- Active Image Thumbnail, Options
- Canvas size, Canvas Size
- change Mode, Change the Mode
- Close image, Close
- Color Management
- Assign Color Profile, Assign Color Profile
- Convert to Color Profile, Convert to Color Profile
- Discard Color Profile, Discard Color Profile
- Enable Color Management, Enable Color Management
- Menu,
Color Management
- Save Color Profile to File, Save Color Profile to File
- Color modes
- Menu,
- Comment, Advanced Options
- Convert
- To grayscale, Grayscale mode
- To indexed mode, Indexed mode
- To RGB mode, RGB mode
- crop, Crop An Image
- Crop
- According to color, Zealous Crop
- To content, Crop Image
- To selection, Crop Image
- Tool, Crop
- Cut off image according to guides, Slice Using Guides
- Export As, Export As…
- Flip, Flip An Image
- Grid and guides, Grids and Guides
- Guides,
- Image size
- When creating, Basic Options
- information, Find Info About Your Image
- Metadata,
- New, New…
- Open, File Open…
- As layers, Open as Layers…
- Open location, Open Location…
- Open recent, Open Recent
- Paste as, Paste as New Image
- Precision,
- Preferences
- Default image, Default Image Preferences
- Print size, Print Size
- Reload the image, Revert
- Resize after zooming or scaling, Options
- Resolution
- Setting when creating, Advanced Options
- Rotate, Rotate An Image
- save, Compressing Images
- Save image
- Save, Save File
- Save a copy, Save a Copy…
- Save as, Save as…
- Scale, Change the Size of an Image for the screen
- scale, Change the Size of an Image for print
- Transform,
- Image Gradient, Image Gradient
- Image hoses, Brushes
- Image Import and Export, Image Import and Export
- Image Properties, Image Properties
- Image size, Options, Basic Options
- Image window
- Menus, The «View» Menu, The «Image» Menu, The «Colors» Menu
- Image windows
- Description, Image Window
- Image Windows
- Basic settings, Window Management
- Preferences, Image Windows, Image Window Appearance
- ImageMap, ImageMap
- Images
- Types, Image Types
- Indent, Options
- Indexed colors, Indexed mode
- Indexed Colors, Глосарій
- Indexed palette, Palettes
- Ink, Ink
- Input Controllers, Input Controllers
- Input Devices, Input Devices
- Input Devices (command), Input Devices
- Interface
- Preferences, Interface
- Invert colors, Invert
- IPTC, Глосарій
- Languages, Language, Interface
- Laplace, Edge, Laplace
- Lasso, Free Selection (Lasso)
- Lava, Lava
- Layer
- Activate, Layer Properties
- Anchor the floating layer, Anchor layer
- Blending Modes, Layer Modes
- Boundaries, Layer Properties
- Clear
- Clear layer content, Clear
- Copy, Copy
- Copy visible layers, Copy Visible
- Cut (/Paste)
- Cut layer content, Cut
- Dialog, Layers Dialog
- Fill
- Fill with background color, Fill with BG Color
- Fill with foreground color, Fill with FG Color
- Fill with pattern, Fill with Pattern
- Mask managing
- Add a mask, Add Layer Mask
- Add layer mask to selection, Add Layer Mask to Selection
- Apply,
Apply Layer Mask
- Convert layer mask to a selection, Mask to Selection
- Delete layer mask, Delete Layer Mask
- Disable, Disable Layer Mask
- Edit, Edit Layer Mask
- Intersect layer mask with selection, Intersect Layer Mask with Selection
- Show layer mask, Show Layer Mask
- Subtract layer mask from selection, Subtract Layer Mask from Selection
- Modes, Layer Modes
- Legacy, Legacy Layer Modes
- Move, Summary of Move tool actions
- On-canvas layer selection, Layer Groups
- Paste, Paste, Paste as New Layer, Paste As New Layer In Place, Paste as New Brush, Paste as New Pattern
- Preview size, Tab Menu
- Scale, Scale
- Size, Layer Properties
- Size managing
- Crop according to selection, Crop Layer
- Crop to content, Crop Layer
- Resize current layer and its content, Scale Layer
- Resize current layer but not its content, Layer Boundary Size
- Resize current layer to image size, Layer to Image Size
- Stack managing
- Align visible layers, Align Visible Layers…
- Bottom layer, Select Bottom Layer
- Create a new layer, New Layer
- Create a new layer from visible layers, New From Visible
- Delete current layer, Delete Layer
- Layer duplicate, Duplicate layer
- Lower current layer to the bottom of stack, Layer to Bottom
- Lower layer, Lower Layer
- Merge all layers in the current layer group, Merge Layer Group
- Merge current layer with the underlying layer, Merge Down
- Merge visible layers, Merge Visible Layers
- Move current layer one position up, Raise Layer
- Move current layer to the top of stack, Layer to Top
- Next layer, Select Next Layer
- Open image as layers, Open as Layers…
- Previous layer, Select Previous Layer
- Reverse layer order, The «Reverse Layer Order» command
- Select top layer, Select Top Layer
- Sub-menu
- Mask, The «Mask» Submenu
- Stack, «Stack» Submenu
- Transform, The «Transform» Submenu
- Transparency,
The «Transparency» Submenu of the «Layer» menu
- Text, Discard Text Information
- Transform
- Flip horizontally, Flip Horizontally
- Flip vertically, Flip Vertically
- Rotation, Rotate 90° clockwise, Rotate 90° counter-clockwise, Rotate 180°, Arbitrary Rotation
- Shift layer content, Offset
- Transparency managing
- Add Alpha channel to background layer, Add Alpha Channel
- Add non-transparent areas to selection, Add Alpha channel to Selection
- Intersect non-transparent areas with selection, Intersect Alpha channel with Selection
- Make colors transparent, Color to Alpha
- Preserve anti-aliasing, Semi-flatten
- Remove Alpha Channel, Remove Alpha Channel
- Selection according to opacity, Alpha to Selection
- Subtract non-transparent pixels from selection, Subtract from Selection
- Threshold, Threshold Alpha
- Type, Layer Properties
- Layer boundary
- Show/mask layer boundary, Show Layer Boundary
- Layer Boundary Size, Layer Boundary Size
- Layer Group
- New, New Layer Group
- Layer groups, Layer Groups
- Layer mask, Layer masks
- Layer Modes, Layer Modes
- Addition, Lighten Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Burn, Darken Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Color Erase, Normal Layer Modes
- Darken only, Darken Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Difference, Inversion Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Dissolve, Normal Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Divide, Inversion Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Dodge, Lighten Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Erase, Normal Layer Modes
- Exclusion, Inversion Layer Modes
- Grain extract, Inversion Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Grain merge, Inversion Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Hard light, Contrast Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Hard mix, Contrast Layer Modes
- HSL Color, HSV Components Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- HSV Hue, HSV Components Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- HSV Saturation, HSV Components Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- HSV Value, HSV Components Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- LCh Chroma, LCh Components Layer Modes
- LCh Color, LCh Components Layer Modes
- LCh Hue, LCh Components Layer Modes
- LCh Lightness, LCh Components Layer Modes
- Lighten only, Lighten Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Linear burn, Darken Layer Modes
- Linear light, Contrast Layer Modes
- Luma/Luminance darken only, Darken Layer Modes
- Luma/Luminance lighten only, Lighten Layer Modes
- Luminance, LCh Components Layer Modes
- Merge, Normal Layer Modes
- Multiply, Darken Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Normal, Normal Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Overlay, Contrast Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Pin light, Contrast Layer Modes
- Screen, Lighten Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Soft light, Contrast Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Split, Normal Layer Modes
- Subtract, Inversion Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Vivid light, Contrast Layer Modes
- Layers, Introduction to Layers
- Linkage, Layer Properties
- Merge all layers, Flatten Image
- LCh Chroma, LCh Components Layer Modes
- LCh Color, LCh Components Layer Modes
- LCh Hue, LCh Components Layer Modes
- LCh Lightness, LCh Components Layer Modes
- Lens Blur, Lens Blur
- Lens Distortion, Lens Distortion
- Lens Flare, Lens Flare
- Levels tool, Levels
- Lighten only, Lighten Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Lighting effects, Lighting Effects
- Line Nova, Line Nova
- Line spacing, Options
- Linear burn, Darken Layer Modes
- Linear Invert colors, Linear Invert
- Linear light, Contrast Layer Modes
- Linear Motion Blur, Linear Motion Blur
- Linear Sinusoid, Linear Sinusoid
- List search field, Tab Menu
- Little Planet, Little Planet
- Lock alpha channel, Using the Layer dialog
- Lock pixels, Using the Layer dialog
- Long Shadow, Long Shadow
- Luma/luminance darken only, Darken Layer Modes
- Luma/luminance lighten only, Lighten Layer Modes
- Luminance, LCh Components Layer Modes
- Magic Wand, Fuzzy selection (Magic wand)
- Mantiuk 2006, Mantiuk 2006
- Map Object, Map Object
- Marching ants speed, Options
- Masks
- Channel mask, Selection masks
- Layer mask, Layer masks
- Add, Add Layer Mask
- Add to selection, Add Layer Mask to Selection
- Apply,
Apply Layer Mask
- Convert to a selection, Mask to Selection
- Delete, Delete Layer Mask
- Disable, Disable Layer Mask
- Edit, Edit Layer Mask
- Intersect with selection, Intersect Layer Mask with Selection
- Overview, Layer Properties
- Show, Show Layer Mask
- Subtract from selection, Subtract Layer Mask from Selection
- Quick mask, Selection masks
- Selection mask, Selection masks
- Maze, Maze
- Mean Curvature Blur, Mean Curvature Blur
- Measure, Measure
- Measure a distance, Measure
- Measure a surface, Measure
- Measure an angle, Measure
- Median Blur, Median Blur
- Menu
- File, Overview
- Help, Introduction to the «Help» Menu
- Menu-bar
- Show/Mask menu bar, Show Menubar
- Menus
- Edit, The «Edit» Menu
- File menu, The «File» Menu
- Filters, The «Filters» Menu
- Image, Overview
- Introduction, Introduction to Menus
- Layer, Introduction to the «Layer» Menu
- Selection, The «Select» Menu
- Tools, The «Tools» Menu
- Windows, «Windows» Menu
- Merge, Normal Layer Modes
- Merge Down, Merge Down
- Merge Layer Group, Merge Layer Group
- Merge Visible Layers, Merge Visible Layers
- Metadata,
- Metadata Editor, Metadata Editor
- Metadata Viewer, Metadata Viewer
- MNG, Експортувати зображення як PNG
- Modes (color)
- Grayscale, Grayscale mode
- Indexed, Indexed mode
- RGB, RGB mode
- Modes (Colors)
- Submenu,
- Modes of layers, Layer Modes
- Legacy, Legacy Layer Modes
- Module Manager, Modules
- Modules, Modules
- Moiré, Глосарій
- Mono-mixer, Mono Mixer
- Mosaic, Mosaic
- Mouse cursors, Options
- Mouse Scroll-Wheel, Tool Options
- Move, Move
- Multiply, Darken Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- MYB, Adding New Brushes
- MyPaint Brush, MyPaint Brush
- MyPaint Brushes, MyPaint Brushes Dialog
- Mypaint Brushes
- Dialog, MyPaint Brushes Dialog
- Navigation
- Dialog, Navigation Dialog
- Navigation button, Image Window
- Preview size, Interface
- View Navigation window, Navigation Window
- Navigation preview, Image Window
- Neon, Neon
- New, New…
- New image
- Default setting, Default Image Preferences
- New Image, New…
- New instance, Language
- New Layer, New Layer
- New View, New View
- Newsprint, Newsprint
- NL filter, NL Filter
- Noise Reduction, Noise Reduction
- Nonlinear filter, NL Filter
- Normal Map, Normal Map
- Offset, Offset
- Oilify, Oilify
- Oilify (legacy), Oilify (legacy)
- Old Photo, Old Photo
- Opacity
- Brush, Tool Options
- Layers dialog, Using the Layer dialog
- Open, File Open…
- Open as layers, Open as Layers…
- Open Location, Open Location…
- Open Recent, Open Recent
- Overlay, Contrast Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Overwrite, Export… and Overwrite…
- Padding color, Padding Color
- Page Curl, Page Curl
- Paint Modes
- Behind, Paint Mode Examples
- Color Erase, Paint Mode Examples
- Paint Tools, Paint Tools
- Paintbrush, Paintbrush
- Palette
- Delete, Using the Palettes dialog
- Dialog, Palettes Dialog
- Duplicate, Using the Palettes dialog
- Editor, Palette Editor
- Import, The «Palettes» context menu
- Introduction, Palettes
- Menu, The «Palettes» context menu
- New palette, Using the Palettes dialog
- Refresh, Using the Palettes dialog
- Palette Color Selector, Using the «FG/BG color» dialog
- Palette Map, Palette Map
- Panorama Projection, Panorama Projection
- Paper Tile, Paper Tile
- Parasite, Глосарій
- Pass Through, Layer Groups
- Paste, Paste
- Paste as new brush, Paste as New Brush
- Paste as New Layer, Paste as New Layer
- Paste as New Layer in Place, Paste As New Layer In Place
- Paste as new pattern, Paste as New Pattern
- Paste In Place, Paste In Place
- Paste Into Selection, Paste Into Selection
- Paste Into Selection In Place, Paste Into Selection In Place
- Paste Named, Buffers Dialog
- Path
- Move, Summary of Move tool actions
- Scale, Scale
- Snap to active path, Snap to Active Path
- Paths
- Dialog, Paths Dialog
- Stroke, Stroke Path
- Tool, Paths
- Transform, Transforming Paths
- Patterns
- Add a pattern to layer, Introduction
- Clipboard pattern, The Clipboard pattern
- Clone, Options
- Dialog, Patterns Dialog
- Introduction, Patterns
- Menu, Patterns Context Menu
- Toolbox Indicator Area, Tools Indicator Area
- PDF, Глосарій
- Pencil, Pencil
- Perspective, Perspective, Perspective
- Perspective Clone, Perspective Clone
- Photocopy, Photocopy
- Pick, Pick
- Pin light, Contrast Layer Modes
- Pixelize, Pixelize
- Plasma, Plasma
- Playback, Playback
- Playground, Experimental Playground
- Plugins
- Browser, Plug-In Browser
- Install, Installing New Plugins
- Introduction, Plugins
- Write, Writing Plugins
- PNG, Експортувати зображення як PNG, Глосарій
- Pointer, Pointer Dialog
- Polar Coordinates, Polar Coordinates
- Polygonal Selection, Free Selection (Lasso)
- Portrait/Landscape mode, Basic Options
- Posterize, Posterize
- Precision, Advanced Options,
- Predator, Predator
- Preferences, Preferences Dialog
- Dialog defaults, Dialog Defaults
- Icon Theme, Icon Theme
- Image grid, Default Image Grid
- Input Controllers, Input Controllers
- Input Devices, Input Devices
- Snapping, Image Window Snapping Behavior
- Theme, Theme
- Preferences (command), Preferences
- Presets
- Introduction, Presets
- Presets Dialog, Tool Presets Dialog
- Tool Preset Editor, Tool Preset Editor
- Preview
- Composited preview, Tool Options
- Filter, Introduction
- Navigation preview, Image Window
- Navigation preview size, Interface
- Transformation tools, Tool Options
- Previews, Interface
- Tab preview size, Tab Menu
- Prewitt compass, Edge
- Print Size, Print Size
- Printing
- Print command, Print
- Size and resolution, Print Size
- Procedure
- Browser, The Procedure Browser
- Python-Fu
- Sub-menu, The «Python-Fu» Submenu
- Re-show Last, Re-show Last
- Rearrange Colormap, Rearrange Colormap
- Recompose, Recompose
- Recursive Transform, Recursive Transform
- Red Eye Removal, Red Eye Removal
- Red-eyes, Усування ефекту «червоних очей»
- Redo, Redo
- Reinhard 2005, Reinhard 2005
- Remove Alpha channel, Remove Alpha Channel
- Remove Holes, Remove Holes
- Repeat Last, Repeat Last
- Reset All, Reset All Filters
- Resolution, Basic Concepts
- Printing, Print Size
- Setting when creating, Advanced Options
- Retinex, Retinex
- Revert (command), Revert
- RGB, RGB mode, Глосарій
- RGB Clip, RGB Clip
- RGB Noise, RGB Noise
- Ripple filter, Ripple
- Rippling, Rippling
- Roberts, Edge
- Rotate, Rotate, Arbitrary Rotation
- Rotate 180°, Rotate 180°
- Rotate 90° clockwise, Rotate 90° clockwise
- Rotate 90° counter-clockwise, Rotate 90° counter-clockwise
- Rotate Colors, Rotate Colors
- Rotation, Rotation
- Round Corners, Round Corners
- Rounded rectangle, Rounded Rectangle
- Rulers
- Show/Mask rulers, Show Rulers
- Running GIMP, Running GIMP
- Sample Colorize, Sample Colorize
- Sample Points, Sample Points Dialog, Show Sample Points
- Saturation, Saturation
- Save, Save File
- Save a copy, Save a Copy…
- Save as, Save as…
- Save Color Profile to File, Save Color Profile to File
- Scale Image, Scale Image
- Scale layer, Scale Layer
- Scale Layer, selection contour or path, Scale
- Scene-referred, Глосарій
- Scissors tool, Intelligent Scissors
- Screen, Lighten Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Screenshot, Screenshot
- Script-Fu
- Install, Installing Script-Fu scripts
- Introduction, Using Script-Fu Scripts
- Sub-menu, The «Script-Fu» Submenu
- Покрокові настанови, A Script-Fu Tutorial
- Scroll-bars
- Show/Mask scrollbars, Show Scrollbars
- Search and Run a Command, Search and Run a Command
- Selection
- According to opacity, Alpha to Selection
- Add alpha channel, Add Alpha channel to Selection
- Add layer mask to selection, Add Layer Mask to Selection
- By Color select, By Color
- Change shape, Tool Options
- Clear selection content, Clear
- Copy, Copy
- Create a selection border, Border
- Create a selection from Path, From Path
- Cut selection content, Cut
- Delete selections, None
- Distort, Distort
- Editor, Selection Editor
- Ellipse selection, Ellipse Selection
- Feather selection edges, Feather
- Fill
- Fill with background color, Fill with BG Color
- Fill with foreground color, Fill with FG Color
- Fill with pattern, Fill with Pattern
- Floating selection (command), Float
- Foreground Select, Foreground Select
- Free Selection, Free Selection (Lasso)
- Fuzzy selection, Fuzzy selection (Magic wand)
- Grow, Grow
- Intersect with Alpha channel, Intersect Alpha channel with Selection
- Invert selection, Invert
- Modes, Options
- Paste, Paste, Paste as New Layer, Paste As New Layer In Place, Paste as New Image, Paste as New Brush, Paste as New Pattern
- Paste In Place, Paste In Place
- Paste Into Selection, Paste Into Selection
- Paste Into Selection In Place, Paste Into Selection In Place
- Polygonal Selection, Free Selection (Lasso)
- Rectangle selection, Rectangle Selection
- Remove Holes, Remove Holes
- Remove the feathering of border selection, Sharpen
- Rounded Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle
- Save selection to channel, Save to Channel
- Scale, Scale
- Select All, Select All
- Selection boundary
- Show/Mask selection boundary, Show Selection
- Selection by color, Select By Color
- Selection mask, Selection masks
- Selection to Path
- Advanced options,
The «Selection to Path Advanced Settings» dialog
- Shrink the size of selection, Shrink
- Stroke selection, Stroke Selection
- Subtract non-transparent pixels, Subtract from Selection
- Toggle QuickMask, Toggle QuickMask
- Transform selection to path, To Path
- Selections
- Common Features, Common Features
- Concepts, The Selection
- Selective Gaussian Blur, Selective Gaussian Blur
- Semi-Flatten, Semi-Flatten
- Send by Email, Send by Email
- Sepia, Sepia
- Set Colormap, Set Colormap
- Setup, Configuration Folders
- Shadows and Highlights, Shadows-Highlights
- Sharpen (Unsharp mask), Sharpen (Unsharp Mask)
- Shear, Shear
- Shift, Shift
- Show All, Show All
- Show Canvas Boundary, Show Canvas Boundary
- Show Grid, Show Grid
- Show Guides, Show Guides
- Show in File Manager, Show in File Manager
- Show Layer Boundary, Show Layer Boundary
- Show Layer Mask (command), Show Layer Mask
- Show Menubar, Show Menubar
- Show Rulers, Show Rulers
- Show Scrollbars, Show Scrollbars
- Show Selection, Show Selection
- Show Statusbar, Show Statusbar
- Shrink Wrap, Shrink Wrap
- Simple Linear Iterative Clustering, Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC)
- Sinus, Sinus
- Slice, Slice
- Slice Using Guides, Slice Using Guides
- Slide, Slide
- Sliders, Tool Options
- Slur, Slur
- Smooth Palette, Smooth Palette
- Smudge, Smudge
- Snap to active path, Snap to Active Path
- Snap to canvas, Snap to Canvas
- Snap to Grid, Snap to Grid
- Snap to Guides, Snap to Guides
- Snapping, Image Window Snapping Behavior
- Sobel, Edge, Sobel
- Soft light, Contrast Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Softglow, Softglow
- Softglow (legacy), Softglow (legacy)
- Solid noise, Solid Noise
- Space bar, Options, Activating the Tool
- Sparkle, Sparkle
- Sphere Designer, Sphere Designer
- Spherize, Spherize
- Spinning Globe, Spinning Globe
- Spiral, Spiral
- Split, Normal Layer Modes
- Spread, Spread
- Spyrogimp, Spyrogimp
- Stack, «Stack» Submenu
- Status bar
- Image window, Image Window
- Preferences, Image Window Title and Statusbar
- Show/Hide status bar, Show Statusbar
- Stencil Carve, Stencil Carve
- Stencil Chrome, Stencil Chrome
- Straight Line, Key modifiers
- Straighten, Measure
- Stress, Stress
- Stroke path, Stroke Path
- Stroke Selection, Stroke Selection
- Subtract, Inversion Layer Modes, Legacy Layer Modes
- Supernova, Supernova
- SVG, Глосарій
- Swap folder, Folders
- Symmetric Nearest Neighbor, Symmetric Nearest Neighbor
- Symmetry Painting, Symmetry Painting dialog
- System Resources, System Resources
- Tab menus, Tab menus
- Tags, Tagging
- TARGA, Глосарій
- Tear-off line, Tear-off menus
- Tear-off menus, Tear-off menus
- Temp folder, Folders
- Template
- Create Template, Create Template…
- Edit, Edit Template
- Menu, Basic Options
- Templates, Templates Dialog
- Text
- Context Menu, Text Context Menu
- Discard information, Discard Text Information
- Editing text, Text Management
- Editor, Text Editor
- Load from file, Text Editor
- Managing Text Layer, Managing Text Layer
- Move, Summary of Move tool actions
- Text Area, Text Area
- Text Toolbox, Text Toolbox
- Tool, Text
- Text along Path, Text Context Menu
- Text to Selection, The Text Commands
- TGA, Глосарій
- Theme, Theme
- Threshold, Threshold
- TIFF, Експортувати зображення як TIFF, Глосарій
- Tile, Tile
- Tile cache, How to Set Your Tile Cache
- Tile Seamless, Tile Seamless
- Tileable Blur, Tileable Blur
- Tip of the Day, Tip of the Day
- Title bar
- Preferences, Image Window Title and Statusbar
- Tone Mapping
- Fattal et al. 2002, Fattal et al. 2002
- Mantiuk 2006, Mantiuk 2006
- Reinhard 2005, Reinhard 2005
- Retinex, Retinex
- Stress, Stress
- Toolbox, The Toolbox
- Active image area, Active Image Area
- Color Area, Color Area
- Configuration, Options
- Indicator Area, Tools Indicator Area
- Introduction, The Toolbox
- Paint Tools, Paint Tools
- Preferences, Toolbox
- Tools
- 3D Transform, 3D Transform
- Airbrush, Airbrush
- Align, Align
- Blur/Sharpen, Blur/Sharpen
- Brightness-Contrast, Brightness-Contrast
- Brush, Brush Tools (Pencil, Paintbrush, Airbrush)
- Bucket Fill, Bucket Fill
- Cage Tool, The Cage Tool
- Clone, Clone
- Color Picker, Color Picker
- Crop, Crop
- Curves, Curves
- Dodge/Burn, Dodge/Burn
- Dynamics, Dynamics
- Dynamics Matrix, The Paint Dynamics Matrix
- Dynamics Options, Dynamics Options
- Ellipse Selection, Ellipse Selection
- Eraser, Eraser
- Flip, Flip
- Foreground Select, Foreground Select
- Free Selection, Free Selection (Lasso)
- Fuzzy Selection, Fuzzy selection (Magic wand)
- GEGL operation, GEGL Operation
- Gradient, Gradient
- Handle Transform, Handle Transform
- Heal, Heal
- Ink, Ink
- Levels, Levels
- Measure, Measure
- Miscellaneous, Other
- Move, Move
- MyPaint Brush, MyPaint Brush
- Paint, Paint Tools, Brush Tools (Pencil, Paintbrush, Airbrush)
- Paintbrush, Paintbrush
- Paths, Paths
- Pencil, Pencil
- Perspective, Perspective
- Perspective Clone, Perspective Clone
- Preferences, Tool Options
- Rectangle Selection, Rectangle Selection
- Rotate, Rotate
- Scale, Scale
- Scissors, Intelligent Scissors
- Selection by color, Select By Color
- Shear, Shear
- Smudge, Smudge
- Text, Text
- Threshold, Threshold
- Tool groups, The Toolbox
- Transform Tools, Transform Tools
- Unified Transform, Unified Transform
- Warp Transform, Warp Transform
- Zoom, Zoom
- Transform,
- Clipping, Tool Options
- Guides, Tool Options
- Paths, Transforming Paths
- Transparency
- Background layer transparency, Layer Properties
- Brush opacity, Tool Options
- Eraser tool, Eraser
- Keep Layer Transparency, Using the Layer dialog
- Layer opacity, Using the Layer dialog
- Lock Alpha channel, Using the Layer dialog
- Representation, Display
- Triangle Color Selector, Using the «FG/BG color» dialog
- Tutorial, Common Tasks, Change the Size of an Image for the screen, Change the Size of an Image for print, Compressing Images, Crop An Image, Find Info About Your Image, Change the Mode, Flip An Image, Rotate An Image, Separating an Object From Its Background, How to Draw Straight Lines
- Tutorials
- Create image, Creating new Files
- New gradient, Using example for the Gradient Editor
- Undo, Undoing, Undo
- Undo History, Undo History Dialog, Undo History
- Unified Transform, Unified Transform
- Unit Editor, Units
- Unit of measurement, Units
- Units, Units
- URI, Глосарій
- URL, Глосарій
- User Manual, User Manual
- Using
- Preferences
- Debugging, Debugging
- Image Import and Export, Image Import and Export
- Playground, Experimental Playground
- System Resources, System Resources
- Value Invert, Value Invert
- Value Propagate, Value Propagate
- Values, Levels
- Van Gogh (LIC), Van Gogh (LIC)
- Variable Blur, Variable Blur
- VBR, Adding New Brushes
- Video Degradation, Video
- View
- Introduction, Introduction to the «View» Menu
- Padding color of canvas, Padding Color
- Vignette, Vignette
- Visibility
- Icon, Layer Properties
- Vivid light, Contrast Layer Modes
- Voronoi, Options
- Warp Transform, Warp Transform
- Watercolor Color Selector, Using the «FG/BG color» dialog
- Waterpixels, Waterpixels
- Wavelet-decompose, Wavelet Decompose
- Waves, Waves, Waves
- Weave, Weave
- WebP, Експортувати зображення як WebP
- Whirl and Pinch, Whirl and Pinch
- White point, Levels
- Wind, Wind