Розділ 16. Меню


1. Introduction to Menus
1.1. The Image Menu Bar
1.2. Context Menus
1.3. Tear-off menus
1.4. Tab menus
2. The «File» Menu
2.1. Overview
2.2. New…
2.3. Create
2.4. File Open…
2.5. Open as Layers…
2.6. Open Location…
2.7. Open Recent
2.8. Save
2.9. Save as…
2.10. Save a Copy…
2.11. Revert
2.12. Export… and Overwrite…
2.13. Export As…
2.14. Create Template…
2.15. Print
2.16. Send by Email
2.17. Copy Image Location
2.18. Show in File Manager
2.19. Close
2.20. Close all
2.21. Quit
3. The «Edit» Menu
3.1. «Edit» Menu Entries
3.2. Undo
3.3. Redo
3.4. Undo History
3.5. Cut
3.6. Copy
3.7. Copy Visible
3.8. Paste
3.9. Paste Into Selection
3.10. Paste In Place
3.11. Paste Into Selection In Place
3.12. Paste as
3.13. Buffer
3.14. Clear
3.15. Fill with FG Color
3.16. Fill with BG Color
3.17. Fill with Pattern
3.18. Fill Selection Outline
3.19. Fill Path
3.20. Stroke Selection
3.21. Stroke Path
3.22. Preferences
3.23. Input Devices
3.24. Keyboard Shortcuts
3.25. Modules
3.26. Units
4. The «Select» Menu
4.1. Introduction to the «Select» Menu
4.2. Select All
4.3. None
4.4. Invert
4.5. Float
4.6. By Color
4.7. From Path
4.8. Selection Editor
4.9. Feather
4.10. Sharpen
4.11. Shrink
4.12. Grow
4.13. Border
4.14. Remove Holes
4.15. Distort
4.16. Rounded Rectangle
4.17. Toggle QuickMask
4.18. Save to Channel
4.19. To Path
5. The «View» Menu
5.1. Introduction to the «View» Menu
5.2. New View
5.3. Show All
5.4. Dot for Dot
5.5. Zoom
5.6. Flip & Rotate (0°)
5.7. Center Image in Window
5.8. Shrink Wrap
5.9. Full Screen
5.10. Navigation Window
5.11. Display Filters
5.12. Color Management
5.13. Show Selection
5.14. Show Layer Boundary
5.15. Show Canvas Boundary
5.16. Show Guides
5.17. Show Grid
5.18. Show Sample Points
5.19. Snap to Guides
5.20. Snap to Grid
5.21. Snap to Canvas
5.22. Snap to Active Path
5.23. Padding Color
5.24. Show Menubar
5.25. Show Rulers
5.26. Show Scrollbars
5.27. Show Statusbar
6. The «Image» Menu
6.1. Overview
6.2. Duplicate
6.3. Mode
6.4. RGB mode
6.5. Grayscale mode
6.6. Indexed mode
6.7. Precision
6.8. Color Management
6.9. Enable Color Management
6.10. Assign Color Profile
6.11. Convert to Color Profile
6.12. Discard Color Profile
6.13. Save Color Profile to File
6.14. Transform
6.15. Flip Horizontally; Flip Vertically
6.16. Rotation
6.17. Canvas Size
6.18. Fit Canvas to Layers
6.19. Fit Canvas to Selection
6.20. Print Size
6.21. Scale Image
6.22. Crop Image
6.23. Slice Using Guides
6.24. Zealous Crop
6.25. Merge Visible Layers
6.26. Flatten Image
6.27. Align Visible Layers…
6.28. Guides
6.29. New Guide
6.30. New Guide (by Percent)
6.31. New Guides from Selection
6.32. Remove all guides
6.33. Configure Grid…
6.34. Image Properties
6.35. Metadata
6.36. Metadata Viewer
6.37. Metadata Editor
7. The «Layer» Menu
7.1. Introduction to the «Layer» Menu
7.2. New Layer
7.3. New From Visible
7.4. New Layer Group
7.5. Duplicate layer
7.6. Anchor layer
7.7. Merge Down
7.8. Merge Layer Group
7.9. Delete Layer
7.10. The Text Commands of the Layer Menu
7.11. Discard Text Information
7.12. «Stack» Submenu
7.13. Select Previous Layer
7.14. Select Next Layer
7.15. Select Top Layer
7.16. Select Bottom Layer
7.17. Raise Layer
7.18. Lower Layer
7.19. Layer to Top
7.20. Layer to Bottom
7.21. The «Reverse Layer Order» command
7.22. The «Mask» Submenu
7.23. Add Layer Mask
7.24. Apply Layer Mask
7.25. Delete Layer Mask
7.26. Show Layer Mask
7.27. Edit Layer Mask
7.28. Disable Layer Mask
7.29. Mask to Selection
7.30. Add Layer Mask to Selection
7.31. Subtract Layer Mask from Selection
7.32. Intersect Layer Mask with Selection
7.33. The «Transparency» Submenu of the «Layer» menu
7.34. Add Alpha Channel
7.35. Remove Alpha Channel
7.36. Color to Alpha
7.37. Semi-flatten
7.38. Threshold Alpha
7.39. Alpha to Selection
7.40. Add Alpha channel to Selection
7.41. Subtract from Selection
7.42. Intersect Alpha channel with Selection
7.43. The «Transform» Submenu
7.44. Flip Horizontally
7.45. Flip Vertically
7.46. Rotate 90° clockwise
7.47. Rotate 90° counter-clockwise
7.48. Rotate 180°
7.49. Arbitrary Rotation
7.50. Offset
7.51. Layer Boundary Size
7.52. Layer to Image Size
7.53. Scale Layer
7.54. Crop Layer
8. The «Colors» Menu
8.1. Introduction to the «Colors» Menu
8.2. Color Balance
8.3. Color Temperature
8.4. Hue Chroma
8.5. Hue-Saturation
8.6. Saturation
8.7. Exposure
8.8. Shadows-Highlights
8.9. Brightness-Contrast
8.10. Levels
8.11. Curves
8.12. Invert
8.13. Linear Invert
8.14. Value Invert
8.15. The «Auto» Submenu
8.16. Вирівнювання
8.17. Баланс білого
8.18. Розтягнути контрастність
8.19. Розтягнути контрастність HSV
8.20. Підсилення кольорів
8.21. Підсилити кольори (старий)
8.22. The «Components» Submenu
8.23. Channel Mixer
8.24. Extract Component
8.25. Mono Mixer
8.26. Compose
8.27. Decompose
8.28. Recompose
8.29. The «Desaturate» Submenu
8.30. Color to Gray
8.31. Desaturate
8.32. Mono Mixer
8.33. Sepia
8.34. The «Map» Submenu
8.35. Rearrange Colormap
8.36. Set Colormap
8.37. Alien Map
8.38. Color Exchange
8.39. Rotate Colors
8.40. Gradient Map
8.41. Palette Map
8.42. Sample Colorize
8.43. The «Tone Mapping» Submenu
8.44. Fattal et al. 2002
8.45. Mantiuk 2006
8.46. Reinhard 2005
8.47. Stress
8.48. Retinex
8.49. The «Info» Submenu
8.50. Histogram
8.51. Border Average
8.52. Colorcube Analysis
8.53. Export Histogram
8.54. Smooth Palette
8.55. Threshold
8.56. Colorize
8.57. Posterize
8.58. Color to Alpha…
8.59. Dither
8.60. RGB Clip
8.61. Hot…
9. The «Tools» Menu
9.1. Introduction to the «Tools» Menu
10. The «Filters» Menu
10.1. Introduction to the «Filters» Menu
10.2. Repeat Last
10.3. Re-show Last
10.4. Reset All Filters
10.5. The «Python-Fu» Submenu
10.6. The «Script-Fu» Submenu
11. «Windows» Menu
12. The «Help» Menu
12.1. Introduction to the «Help» Menu
12.2. Help
12.3. Context Help
12.4. Tip of the Day
12.5. About
12.6. Search and Run a Command
12.7. Plug-In Browser
12.8. The Procedure Browser
12.9. Bug Reports and Feature Requests
12.10. GIMP online
12.11. User Manual

1. Introduction to Menus

There are many places in GIMP where you can find menus. The aim of this chapter is to explain all the commands that are accessible from the image menu bar and the image menu you can get by right clicking in the canvas. All the context menus and the menu entries for the other dialogs are described elsewhere in the chapters that describe the dialogs themselves.

1.1. The Image Menu Bar

This menu bar may contain other entries if you have added script-fus, python-fus or videos to your GIMP.

1.2. Context Menus

If you right-click on certain parts of the GIMP interface, a «context menu» opens, which leads to a variety of functions. Some places where you can access context menus are:

  • Clicking on an image window displays the Image menu. This is useful when you are working in full-screen mode, without a menubar.

  • Clicking on a layer in the Layers Dialog or on a channel in the Channels Dialog displays functions for the selected layer or channel.

  • Right-clicking on the image menubar has the same effect as left-clicking.

  • Right-clicking on the title bar displays functions which do not belong to GIMP, but to the window manager program on your computer.

1.3. Tear-off menus

There is an interesting property associated with some of the menus in GIMP. These are any of the menus from the Image context menu you get by right-clicking on the canvas and any of its submenus. (You can tell that a menu item leads to a submenu because there is an icon next to it.) When you bring up any of these menus, there is a dotted line at the top of it (tear-off line). By clicking on this dotted line, you detach the menu under it and it becomes a separate window.

Рисунок 16.1. The «windows» submenu and its tear-off submenu

The «windows» submenu and its tear-off submenu
The «windows» submenu and its tear-off submenu

Tear-off menus are actually independent. They are always visible, their functions always apply to the current image, and they persist when all of the images are closed. You can close a tear-off submenu by clicking on the dotted line again or closing the window from the window manager on your computer (often by clicking on an X icon in the upper right corner of the window).

These tear-off submenus are also created in single-window mode, but are of less interest since they are masked by the window as soon as you click on it.

1.4. Tab menus

The following type of menus is not related to the image menu bar, but for the sake of completeness:

Every dockable dialog contains a Tab Menu button, as highlighted below. Pressing this Tab Menu button opens a special menu of tab-related operations, with an entry at the top that opens into the dialog's context menu.

Рисунок 16.2. A dockable dialog.

A dockable dialog.

A dialog window with the Tab menu button highlighted.

A dockable dialog.

The Tab menu.

See Розділ 2.3.2, «Tab Menu» to learn more about Tab menus.