3.12. Paste as

This command pastes the clipboard contents. Of course, you must use the Copy command before, so that you have something in the clipboard. Else you will be prompted a warning:

or, if there is something you have forgotten, it will be pasted! There is no way to empty the clipboard.

This command leads to the sub-menu:

Pav. 16.17. The Paste as sub-menu

The „Paste as“ sub-menu

3.12.1. Paste as New Layer

The Paste As New Layer command creates a new layer in the active image and pastes the image data from the Clipboard into it. If the data are not rectangular or square in shape, any regions that do not extend to the edge of the canvas are left transparent (an Alpha channel is automatically created). Of course, you have to Copy your selection before you use this command. Activate the Command

You can access this command from the image menubar through EditPaste asNew Layer.

3.12.2. Paste As New Layer In Place

The Paste As New Layer In Place command creates a new layer in the active image and pastes the clipboard contents at exact coordinates the contents was originally copied from.

This feature is available for both the regular clipboard and named buffers. Activate the Command

You can access this command from the image menubar through EditPaste asNew Layer In Place.

3.12.3. Įdėti kaip naują paveikslėlį

The Paste As New Image command creates a new image and pastes the image data from the Clipboard into it. If the data is not rectangular or square in shape, any regions outside the selection are left transparent (an alpha channel is automatically created). Of course, you have to copy your selection before you use this command, so that you get an image with the same dimensions as the selection.

This command has the same action as the FileCreateFrom Clipboard command. Activate the Command

You can access this command from the image menubar through EditPaste asNew Image, or using the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+V .

3.12.4. Įdėti kaip naują teptuką

Ši komanda atveria dialogo langą, kuriame galite nurodyti naujo teptuko pavadinimą. Šis teptukas atsiranda Teptukų dialoge. Parinktys

Pav. 16.18. Dialogas Naujas teptukas

Dialogas „Naujas teptukas“

Teptuko pavadinimas

Brush name is the name as it will be in the Brushes Dialog.

Failo vardas

Naujas teptukas yra išsaugotas kaip Failo vardas (su plėtiniu .gbr) jūsų asmeniame brushes aplanke.


Intervalas: kai teptukas nubrėžia liniją, jis iš tikro pakartotinai antspauduoja teptuko piktogramą. Jeigu teptuko antspaudai yra labai arti, jums jie atrodo kaip vientisa linija. Activate the Command
  • You can access this command from the image menubar through EditPaste as New Brush….

3.12.5. Įdėti kaip naują raštą

Ši komanda atveria dialogo langą, leidžiantį pavadinti jūsų naują raštą. Raštas rodomas Raštų dialoge. Parinktys

Pav. 16.19. Dialogas Naujas raštas

Dialogas „Naujas raštas“

Rašto pavadinimas

Rašto pavadinimas – tai pavadinimas, kuris bus rodomas Raštų dialoge.

Failo vardas

Naujasis raštas yra išsaugomas kaip Failo vardas (su plėtiniu .pat) jūsų asmeniniame patterns aplanke. Activate the Command

You can access this command from the image menubar through EditPaste as New Pattern….