4.3. Dokumentų retrospektyvos dialogas

Pav. 15.73. Dokumentų retrospektyvos dialogas

Dokumentų retrospektyvos dialogas

Retrospektyvos dialoge rodomas dokumentų, kurie buvo atverti ankstesniuose seansuose, sąrašą. Šis sąrašas yra pilnesnis, nei sąrašas, kurį gaunate naudodami komandą Atverti paskutiniuosius.

4.3.1. Activating the Dialog

The History dialog is a dockable dialog; see the section Skyrius 2.3, „Dialogai ir dokai“ for help on manipulating it.

You can access it:

  • From the main menu: WindowsDockable DialogsDocument History.

  • From the Tab menu in any dockable dialog by clicking on and selecting Add TabDocument History.

  • From the main menu: FileOpen RecentDocument History.

4.3.2. Using the Document History dialog

Slinkties juosta leidžia naršyti visus anksčiau atvertus paveikslėlius.

In the Tab menu for the Document History dialog, you can choose between View as Grid and View as List. In Grid mode, the documents are laid out in a rectangular array. In List mode, they are lined up vertically, with each row showing a thumbnail of the contents of the image, its name, and its pixel dimensions.

[Patarimas] Patarimas

Ctrl+F opens a search field. See Žiūrėti kaip sąrašą; Žiūrėti kaip tinklelį

Use the Open the selected entry button or Open Image command of the dialog's context menu, to open the image you have selected. With the Shift key pressed, it raises an image hidden behind others. With the Ctrl key pressed, it opens the Open Image dialog.

Use the Remove the selected entry button or Remove Entry command of the dialog's context menu, to remove an image from the History dialog. The image is removed from the recently open images list also. But the image itself is not deleted.

Use the Clear the entire file history button or Clear History command of the dialog's context menu, to remove all the files from the history.

Use the Recreate Preview button or Recreate Preview command of the dialog's context menu, to update preview in case of change. With Shift key pressed, it acts on all previews. With Ctrl key pressed, previews that correspond to files that can't be found out, are deleted. Document History Context Menu

Pav. 15.74. Document History Context Menu

Document History Context Menu


You can get the document history context menu by right clicking on a file in the document history dialog, or by opening the Documents Menu submenu in the triangle dock tab menu. Several of the operations are also available through buttons at the bottom of the dialog. Those operations are documented above. The remaining ones are listed below.

Copy Image Location

Copy Image Location allows you to copy the path of the selected image to the clipboard.

Show in File Manager

Show in File Manager opens the location of the image in the default File Manager on your system.