In GIMP, a layer is not always the same size as the others. This command changes the dimensions of a layer, but it does not scale its contents.
ダイアログが開いた直後はこれらの欄に活性レイヤーの元の寸法が示されます。 いずれの値も数値記入欄で変更できます。 両欄を結ぶ右側の鎖のしるしが繋がった姿のときはどちらかの値を変更すると縦横比を保つようにもう一方の値が自動的に変更されます。 このしるしをクリックすると鎖は解かれ、 幅と高さを個別に指定できるようになります。
既定の単位はピクセルですが、 引き出しメニューで他の単位に切り替えられます。 たとえば元の大きさの百分率を
を使って指定できます。These coordinates are relative to the layer, not to the image. They are used to move a frame that determines which part of the layer content will be selected for the resized layer. In our example, the layer and the content have the same dimensions, and, of course, you have no frame to move. If you reduce Width and Height , the frame of the resized layer appears in the preview.
Below the coordinates, a preview represents the layer with the frame of the resized layer. You can move this frame using the X and Y offsets and also dragging the cross-shaped moving pointer that appears when the mouse pointer overflies the layer area.
This button allows you to place the frame at the center of the layer.
You can't resize a layer to bigger dimensions than that of the image.
If the layer is smaller than the image, you can enlarge Width and/or Height . There is no good reason to do that, except if you want to enlarge the layer to the size of the image; but, in that case, it's better to use Layer to Image Size.
You can resize the layer to a smaller dimension to eliminate unwanted parts.
図16.139 使用例
The selected layer for resizing
The frame representing the new layer size. It has been placed at the center of the layer using the
button.If the image has only one layer, it's better to use the Crop tool.