Templates are pre-defined image settings that you can use to quickly create a new image with your preferred dimensions, resolution etc. GIMP comes with a lot of templates installed, but you can also create your own. When you create a new image, you can access the list of existing templates to choose one to be used as base for your new image. The „Templates“ dialog allows you to manage these templates.
The „Templates“ dialog is a dockable dialog; see the section 2.3 – „Dokování dialogů“ for help on manipulating it.
You can access it:
from the image menu:
→ → .
from the Tab menu in any dockable dialog by clicking on
and selecting
→ .
You select a template by clicking on its icon. Right clicking reveals a local menu that offers the same functions as the buttons.
In the Tab menu for the „Templates“ dialog, you can choose between and . In Grid mode, templates are laid out in a rectangular array of identical icons (unless you gave them a particular icon, as we will see later). Only the name of the selected template is displayed. In List mode, they are lined up vertically; icons are identical too; all names are displayed.
Podnabídka Velikost náhledu v nabídce karty umožňuje měnit velikost ikon šablon.
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Tip |
Ctrl+F in a list view opens a search field. See Zobrazit jako seznam; Zobrazit jako mřížku |
Tlačítka v dolní části dialogu umožňují se šablonami provádět různé operace:
Clicking on this button creates a new image with the settings defined in the selected template.
Tímto tlačítkem se otevírá dialog Nová šablona, který je shodný s dialogem Upravit šablonu, popsaným níže.
Clicking on this button opens the Edit Template dialog that is documented next.
Clicking on this button opens the Edit Template dialog where you can adjust the image related settings for the selected template.
This deletes the selected template after asking for confirmation.
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Tip |
Every template is stored in a |
This dialog allows you to change the settings of the selected template.
You can access this dialog by clicking on the Templates Dialog
button at the bottom of theOptions
In this text box, you can modify the name of the template.
By clicking on this icon, you can select a different icon that will be shown in front of the name of this template. The icon can be picked from a list of pre-defined icons, from a file on your computer, or by pasting from the clipboard.
Here you set the width and height of the new image. The default units are pixels, but you can switch to another unit using the adjoining menu. If you do, note that the resulting pixel size will be determined by the X and Y resolution (which you can change in the Advanced Options), and by the setting of „Dot for Dot“, which you can change in the menu.
These buttons toggle between Portrait and Landscape mode. Their effect is to exchange the values for Width and Height. If the X and Y resolutions are different (in Advanced Options), then these values are also exchanged. On the right, image size, image resolution and color space are displayed.
Advanced Options
The advanced options let you change several additional image settings.
Tyto hodnoty jsou důležité zejména při tisku, neovlivňují velikost obrázku v pixelech, ale jeho rozměry na papíře po vytištění. Mohou také ovlivnit jeho zobrazení na monitoru: pokud je vypnuta volba Boda na bod v nabídce
, tak se při 100% přiblížení snaží GIMP obrázek zobrazit ve správných fyzických rozměrech (vypočtených z velikosti v pixelech a rozlišení). Pokud však není monitor zkalibrován, nemusí být rozměry přesné. Kalibraci lze provést buď při instalaci Gimpu, nebo v části Zobrazení dialogu Předvolby.Nový obrázek může být buď v barevném RGB režimu nebo ve stupních šedi. Nelze takto vytvořit přímo obrázek v indexovaných barvách, ale nic vám nebrání v převedení již vytvořeného obrázku do indexovaných barev.
You can select the precision that GIMP will use for this image. For more information see the Precision menu documentation.
You can select whether to use Perceptual gamma, or linear light. For more information see also the Precision menu documentation.
When enabled, the image will be color managed. Disabling color management is equivalent to choosing a built-in sRGB profile.
Here you can select the color profile for this image. The default is the built-in sRGB color profile, but you can also select your own color profile from a file on your computer.
You have five choices for filling the new image's background layer:
Foreground color, uses the current foreground color as shown in the Toolbox.
Background color, uses the current background color as shown in the Toolbox.
White, uses white for the background layer.
Transparency. If this option is chosen, then the Background layer in the new image will be created with an alpha channel; otherwise not. The background layer will be transparent.
Pattern, uses the active pattern at the time of creating the image to fill the background layer.
You can add a default comment here that will be attached to the image. When exporting this image, the comment will be added too for file formats that support comments. You will still be able to change this comment in the export dialog.