6.24. 입력 장치

그림 15.95. Input Devices Preferences

Input Devices Preferences

6.24.1. Activating the Dialog

The preferences dialog can be accessed from the main menu, through EditPreferences.

6.24.2. Options

Pointers and Paint Tools

Pointer mode

This option has no effect unless Show pointer for paint tools is checked. If it is, you have three choices: Tool icon, which causes a small iconic representation of the currently active tool to be shown beside the cursor; Tool icon with crosshair, which shows the icon as well as a crosshair indicating the center of the cursor; or Crosshair only.

Pointer handedness

This option decides the direction of the pointer. The default is Right-handed. When Left-handed is chosen, the pointer is flipped horizontally.

붓 윤곽 표시

이 옵션을 활성화시키면, 그리기 도구를 사용할 경우 이미지 위에 붓의 윤곽이 보여집니다. 이는 컴퓨터 성능이 낮거나 붓의 크기가 클 경우 김프 사용에 문제를 일으킬 수도 있습니다. 따라서 꼭 필요한 경우가 아니라면 사용하지 않는 것이 좋습니다.

Snap brush outline to stroke

This requires Show brush outline to be enabled. When this setting is also enabled, the brush outline will snap to individual dabs when painting. The dabs are where the brush paints on the canvas.

Show pointer for paint tools

이 옵션을 활성화시키면 커서가 표시됩니다. 이는 붓 윤곽에 추가되는 것으로 붓 윤곽 표시가 활성화되어야 표시됩니다. 커서의 종류는 다음 옵션에서 설정됩니다.

확장 입력 장치

Pointer Input API

This setting is only present on Windows. On Windows, when you use a touch screen, or a pen to draw on a tablet, there are two ways for GIMP to interact with it. This setting lets you choose which one to use.

In general for newer drawing devices, Windows Ink is the preferred way. If that doesn't work for you, try the older Wintab API.

Share tool and tool options between input devices

When enabled, the same tool and tool options will be used for all input devices. No tool switching will occur when the input device changes.

확장 입력 장치 설정

This button opens a dialog that allows you to configure the input devices associated with your computer: tablet, MIDI keyboard, etc. If you have a tablet, you will see a dialog like this:

그림 15.96. 타블렛 설정

타블렛 설정

For each of the input devices you can set its Mode. This decides how GIMP translates the input from the device to your screen. For a mouse this is usually set to disabled and for other devices to Screen.

The only other choice for mode is Window. Currently there don't seem to be any differences with Screen. Unless you know what you are doing, this is better left alone.

마칠 때 장치 상태 저장

When you check this box, GIMP remembers the tool, color, pattern, and brush you were using the last time you quit.

입력 장치 상태 지금 저장

This immediately saves the current input device settings.

저장된 장치 설정을 기본값으로 초기화하기

사용자가 저장한 설정을 삭제하고, 기본 설정값을 복원합니다.