6.6. Experimental Playground

Figura 15.73. Experimental Playground Preferences

Experimental Playground Preferences

6.6.1. Attivazione della finestra

The preferences dialog can be accessed from the main menu, through EditPreferences.

6.6.2. Opzioni

Hardware Acceleration

The Playground settings are only available if you have explicitly started GIMP with the «--show-playground» command line argument, or if you have previously enabled one of the experimental settings in Playground.

Usa OpenCL

OpenCL is an acronym for Open Computing Language (see Wikipedia). This option tries to improve the processing speed of certain operations by using the GPU (graphic processing unit) instead of the CPU.

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This is a very experimental feature that is known to crash often! Only enable this if you intend to work on improving it and don't forget that you enabled it.


N-Point Deformation Tool

This tool lets you create a rubber-like deformation of the image using points.

Seamless Clone Tool

This tool lets you seamlessly paste one image into another.

Paint Select Tool

This tool lets you paint over an image to progressively create a selection.

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These are experimental tools that are known to crash, cause slowdowns and not work as expected! Only enable this if you want to test it, or intend to work on improving it, and don't forget that you enabled it.