GIMP is capable of reading and writing a large variety of graphics file formats. With the exception of GIMP's native XCF file format, file handling is done by plug-ins. This makes it relatively easy to extend GIMP to support new file types when the need arises.
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When you opened an image in older GIMP releases, let's say a JPG or PNG, the image kept its format and was saved in the same format by using Save. Since GIMP 2.8, all images are imported into GIMP's own XCF format, as a new project. For example, a “sunflower.png” image will be loaded as “*[sunflower] (imported)-1.0 (indexed color, 1 layer)”. The leading asterisk indicates that this file has been changed. This image can be saved as “sunflower.xcf” by using the Save command. If you need your image in another format, you should use the Export command. |
When you are finished working with an image, you will save the results. In fact, it is often a good idea to save at intermediate stages too. GIMP is a pretty robust program, but on rare occasions crashes have happened.
GIMP's native format XCF is special. It is the only format that can store everything about an image (with the exception of “undo” information). This is the reason that saving can only be done in this format. It makes the XCF format especially suited for storing intermediate results, and for saving images to be re-opened later in GIMP.
XCF files are not readable by most other programs that display images. Once you have finished editing your image, you can export it to the format of your choice. GIMP supports a wide range of formats. Most file formats that can be imported, can also be used for exporting.
There are several commands for saving and exporting images. They are listed in the section covering the File Menu. More information on how to use them can be found there.
GIMP 允许您以多种格式导出您创建的图像。重要的是要认识到,能够保存图像中所有信息(包括图层、透明度等)的唯一格式是 GIMP 的原生 XCF 格式。其他所有格式都会保留一些图像属性并丢失其他图像属性。取决于您了解您选择的格式的功能。
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当您关闭图像(可能是通过退出 GIMP)时,如果图像是“脏的”,您会收到警告;也就是说,如果它在进行了更改,没有随后保存的情况下(星号在图像名称前面)。 Saving an image in GIMP's native format XCF will cause the image to be considered "not dirty". On the contrary, exporting an image will not change it to "not dirty", because GIMP can't know for sure that no image information will be lost. |
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GIF 文件格式不支持某些基本图像属性,例如打印分辨率。如果您关心这些属性,请使用不同的文件格式,例如 PNG。 |
GIF 注释仅支持 7 位 ASCII 字符。如果您使用 7 位 ASCII 字符集之外的字符,GIMP将导出没有注释的图像,然后通知您注释未保存。
HEIF 代表高效图像文件格式。也称为 HEIC 高效图像编码。
HEIF 图像中存储的信息量是相同大小的 JPEG 图像中存储的信息量的两倍,从而获得更好的质量。截至 2019 年 10 月,没有浏览器原生支持 HEIF。
JPEG 文件的扩展名通常为 .jpg、.JPG 或 .jpeg。它是一种使用非常广泛的格式,因为它非常有效地压缩图像,同时最大限度地减少图像质量的损失。没有其他格式可以接近达到相同级别的压缩。但是,它不支持透明或多图层。
JPEG 算法非常复杂,并且涉及大量令人眼花缭乱的选项,其含义超出了本文档的范围。除非您是 JPEG 专家,否则质量参数可能是您唯一需要调整的参数。
当您以 JPEG 格式保存文件时,会显示一个对话框,允许您设置质量级别,范围从 0 到 100。不过,高于 95 的值通常没有用。默认质量 85 通常会产生出色的结果,但在许多情况下,可以将质量设置得显著降低,而不会明显降低图像质量。您可以通过 在 JPEG 对话框中勾选在图像窗口中显示预览来测试不同质量设置的效果 。
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请注意,JPEG 质量级别的数字在不同的应用程序中具有不同的含义。在 GIMP 中以 80 质量级别进行保存不一定与在不同应用程序中以 80 质量级别进行保存相似。 |
如果质量设置在原始文件中并不比默认画质设置好,那么选项 “从原始图像使用质量好的设置”将可用,但是尚未启用。这可确保您始终至少获得默认设置中指定的最低质量。如果您没有对图像进行重大更改,并且希望使用与原始图像相同的质量来保存它,那么您可以通过启用此选项来实现。
勾选此选项会导致图像显示中显示质量(或任何其他 JPEG 参数)的每个更改。(这不会改变图像:当 JPEG 对话框关闭时,图像会恢复到其原始状态。)
如果您加载的图像具有 Exif、XMP、IPTC 元数据,它们将被保留;并且在导出为 JPEG 时,您可以保留或不保留它们。
JPG 压缩会产生伪影。通过使用此选项,您可以在保存时平滑图像,减少伪影。但是您的图像将变得有些模糊。
Arithmetic encoding is a form of entropy encoding (a lossless data compression scheme) that, since GIMP-2.10 can be used in exporting as JPEG. Images using arithmetic encoding can be 5 - 10 % smaller. But older software may have trouble opening these images.
JPEG 图像存储为一系列名为 MCU(最小编码单元)的压缩方形图块。您可以设置这些图块的大小(以像素为单位)。
启用此选项后,图像块按顺序存储在文件中,以便在慢速连接网络下载期间进行渐进式图像优化。JPG 的逐行选项与 GIF 的交错选项具有相同的目的。不幸的是,渐进选项会生成稍大的 JPG 文件(与没有渐进选项的情况相比)。
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Beware that certain older TVs and photo frames (and maybe other devices) may not be able to show jpeg images that have been exported with the progressive setting enabled (which is the default). |
1x1,1x1,1x1(最佳质量):通常称为 (4:4:4),这会产生最佳质量,保留边框和对比色,但压缩较少。
2x1,1x1,1x1 (4:2:2):这是标准的子采样,通常在图像质量和文件大小之间提供良好的比例。然而,在某些情况下,不使用子采样 (4:4:4) 会显着提高图像质量;例如,当图像包含精细细节时,如在统一背景上的文本,或具有几乎平坦颜色的图像。
2x2,1x1,1x1(最小文件):通常称为 (4:1:1),这会生成最小文件。这适合边缘较弱的图像,但往往会使颜色变性。
DCT是“离散余弦变换”,是JPEG算法从空间域到频域的第一步。选项是“浮点数”、“整数” (默认值)和“快速整数”。
整数(默认):此方法比“float”快 ,但不那么准确。
Gamma 校正是校正计算机如何解释颜色值的差异的能力。这会将伽马信息保存在 PNG 中,以反映显示器的当前伽马系数。然后,其他计算机上的查看者可以进行补偿以确保图像不会太暗或太亮。
PNG 支持称为“oFFs 块”的偏移值 ,它提供位置数据。不幸的是,GIMP中的PNG偏移支持被破坏了,或者至少与其他应用程序不兼容,并且已经很长时间了。不要启用偏移,在保存之前让GIMP将图层压平,您将没有问题。
保存图像分辨率,以 ppi(每英寸像素数)为单位。
您可以在图像属性中阅读此评论 。
By default your PNG image is exported in a pixelformat that resembles the settings of your image in GIMP. This is usually what you want, but when you need a specific output format you can change this here to 8 or 16 bits per channel RGB or Grayscale, with or without alpha channel.
由于压缩不是有损的,因此使用小于 9 的压缩级别的唯一原因是在速度较慢的计算机上压缩文件需要太长时间。无需担心解压缩:无论压缩级别如何,它都一样快。
如果您加载的图像具有 Exif、XMP、IPTC 元数据,它们将被保留;并且在导出为 PNG 时,您可以保留或不保留它们。
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PNG 格式支持索引图像。因此,使用较少的颜色会产生较小的文件;这对于创建网络图像特别有用;参见第 6.6 节 “Indexed mode”。 计算机处理名为“字节”的8位块。一个字节允许 256 种颜色。将颜色数量减少到 256 以下是没有用的:无论如何都会使用一个字节并且文件大小不会更小。而且,这种“PNG8” 格式和GIF一样,只使用一位透明;只有两个透明度级别是可用的,透明或不透明。 |
None: is fast, and lossless, but the resulting file can be very large.
LZW: The image is compressed using the “Lempel-Ziv-Welch” algorithm, a lossless compression technique. This is efficient and fast. More information at [WKPD-LZW].
压缩位(Pack Bits):是一种用于数据运行长度编码的快速、简单的压缩方案。Apple 在 Macintosh 计算机上发布 MacPaint 时引入了 PackBits 格式。PackBits 数据流由一字节的报头和数据组成。(来源:[WKPD-PACKBITS])
Deflate: is a lossless data compression algorithm that uses a combination of the LZ77 algorithm and Huffman coding. It is also used in Zip and Gzip files and PNG images. Source: [WKPD-DEFLATE].
JPEG: is a very good compression algorithm but lossy. This is the same compression as used in JPEG images. Since it is lossy, you should not use this when image quality is important. This compression can not be used when your image is in indexed mode.
CCITT Group 3 fax and CCITT Group 4 fax are black and white formats developed to transfer images by FAX.
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These two compression modes can only be selected, if the image is in indexed mode and reduced to two colors. Use “Use black and white (1-bit) palette” is checked. → → to convert the image to indexed mode. Make sure that |
Since GIMP-2.10.12, you can save layers when exporting to TIFF. Each layer will be a separate page in the TIFF image.
When Save layers is checked, this option, which is enabled by default, will resize all layers to the size of the image. TIFF images can not have negative offsets. This option enables you to import the TIFF again without having to change the position of layers that had a different size as the image in the original.
When this is enabled the color values are saved even if the pixels are completely transparent.
When this option is enabled existing EXIF metadata will be saved in the exported TIFF image.
When this option is enabled existing XMP metadata will be saved in the exported TIFF image.
When this option is enabled existing IPTC metadata will be saved in the exported TIFF image.
When this option is enabled a thumbnail will be saved as the second page in the exported TIFF image. This will also cause certain EXIF tags to be saved even if you have disabled saving EXIF metadata.
When this option is enabled the color profile will be saved in the exported TIFF image.
When this option is enabled GeoTIFF metadata that was present in the original image will be saved in the exported TIFF image.
When checked, the image will be saved in a way that keeps the original quality. This disables the Image quality and Alpha quality settings. When unchecked, the image will be saved based on the quality settings below, which may cause some loss of quality, but at a better compression ratio. This is the default.
These settings determine at what quality the image will be saved. A higher image quality usually means a larger filesize. When filesize is important you can check if a lower quality is still good enough for your purposes.
This selects the type of image you are trying to export. Presumably this will help in deciding the best way to compress the image.
Choices are: Default, Picture for digital pictures, like portraits or inside shots, Photo for outdoor photography with natural lighting, Drawing for hand or line drawing, with high-contrast details, Icon for small-sized colorful images, and Text for images containing mostly text.
When this option is enabled existing EXIF metadata will be saved in the exported image.
When this option is enabled existing IPTC metadata will be saved in the exported image.
When this option is enabled existing XMP metadata will be saved in the exported image.
When this option is enabled the color profile will be saved in the exported image.
When this option is enabled a thumbnail will be saved in the exported image.
MNG 是“多图像网络图形(Multiple-Image Network Graphics)”的缩写。
主要问题是 Konqueror 是唯一识别 MNG 动画格式的 Web 导航器。请参阅。