14.12. Xadrez

14.12.1. Visão geral

Figura 17.351. Exemplo para o filtro Xadrez

Exemplo para o filtro Xadrez

Filtro Xadrez aplicado

This filter creates a checkerboard pattern replacing the current layer content. Default colors used for pattern are current Fore- and Back-ground colors of toolbox.

14.12.2. Invocando o filtro

You can find this filter in the image menu through FiltersRenderPatternCheckerboard…

14.12.3. Opções

Figura 17.352. Checkerboard (legacy) filter options

“Checkerboard (legacy)” filter options

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Split view
[Nota] Nota

These options are described in Seção 2, “Common Features”.

Width, Height

With these options, you can set checkerboard horizontal/vertical square size, in pixels.

Increasing Width or Height only will create horizontal or vertical stripes.

Offset X, Offset Y

These options displace squares horizontally (X) or vertically(Y). Value limits are the limits of your screen.

Color 1, Color 2

Default Color 1 is the toolbox foreground color. Default Color 2 is the toolbox background color.

You can change these colors clicking on the color button or using the color picker on the right. Color picker size can be set in the GEGL Operation window under Toolbox.