Filtr zdeformuje obrázek vytvořením vln připomínajících odraz obrazu na neklidné vodě.
Poznámka | |
These options are described in 2 – „Common Features“. |
It is related to wave height (0-200 pixels).
It is related to wavelength (0-200 pixels)
Wave is moved
Warps wave
These interpolation methods are described in Cubic (sometimes called „Bicubic“): The color of each pixel is computed as the average color of the eight closest pixels in the original image. This usually gives the best result, but it naturally takes more time..
Choose how the wave should look like:
Rozvlnění způsobí, že na okrajích obrázku chybí některé pixely. Zde lze nastavit, jakým způsobem budou nahrazeny:
Abyss policy (border management) is treated with Abyss policy.
This preserves the seamless properties if your image is a tile pattern.