14.5. Cell Noise

14.5.1. Wirkungsweise

Generates a cellular texture. Results don't depend on the image you opened.

Filter applied with default options: scale=1.000 shape=2.000 rank=1

14.5.2. Filteraufruf

This filter is found in the image window menu under FiltersRenderNoiseCell Noise….

14.5.3. Eigenschaften

Abbildung 17.339. Cell Noise filter options

„Cell Noise“ filter options

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Split view
[Anmerkung] Anmerkung

These options are described in Abschnitt 2, „Gemeinsame Funktionsmerkmale“.


Scale of the noise function: works like a zoom.


Interpolates between Manhattan and Euclidean distance: (1.000 to 2.000). Lower values give four spikes stars nuclei to cells. Upper values give circular nuclei.

Shape = 1.000


Selects the n-th closest point: (1-3). Cells are elongated.

Rank = 2


The number of noise octaves.


Fills each cell with a random color.