스크립트-푸(Script-Fu)는 독립형 스크립트와 이미지 의존형 스크립트가 있습니다. 독립형 스크립트는 기본 도구 상자 메뉴의
→ → 에서 찾을 수 있고, 이미지 의존형 스크립트는 이미지 메뉴의 → 에 있습니다.You will find the standalone variants under
→ → in the image menubar (see the figure below).Menus have been reorganized. A new Colors-menu appears. It groups together all scripts that work on colors, for example tools that adjust hue, saturation, lightness..., filters...etc. Filters-menu and Script-Fu-menu are merged in one Filters-menu and it is organized according to new categories. Image-dependent Plug-ins and Script-Fus are now disseminated in the image-menus. For example, Color to Alpha filter is in Colors-menu. At the beginning, it's disconcerting, but you finish to get used to this because it's more logical.
The figure below show where you can find them in the image-menu.