7. Kaj je novega v GIMP-u 2.6?

Z razvojnega gledišča je GIMP 2.6 pomembna izdaja. Obsega spremembe vmesnika, ki so posledica pogostih pritožb uporabnikov ter poskusno vključitev knjižnice obdelovanja slik GEGL, ki sloni na grafih in ki bo v GIMP sčasoma prinesla visoko bitno globino in neuničevalno urejanje.

Uporabniški vmesnik

Menijska vrstica v orodjarni odstranjena

The toolbox menubar has been removed and merged with the image window menubar. To be able to do this a window called the empty image window has been introduced. It hosts the menubar and keeps the application instance alive when no images are opened. It also acts as a drag and drop target. When opening the first image the empty image window is transformed into a normal image window, and when closing the last image, that window becomes the empty image window.

Slika A.5. Nov videz okna slike v GIMP 2.6

Nov videz okna slike v GIMP 2.6

Toolbox and docks are utility windows

With the empty image window acting as a natural main window, the Toolbox and Docks windows are now utility windows rather than main windows. This enables window managers to do a much better job of managing the GIMP windows, including omitting the Toolbox and Docks from the taskbar and ensuring that the Toolbox and Docks always are above image windows.

Možnost drsenja prek roba slike

The Navigation dialog now allows panning beyond the image border; so it is no longer a problem to use a brush on the edge of an image that fills the entire display window. Also, if a utility window covers the image, you can pan the image to view or edit the portion covered by the utility window.

Slika A.6. Drsenje prek roba

Drsenje prek roba

Manjše spremembe
  • Preimenovan meni Pogovorna okna v Okna.

  • Ohranite seznam nedavno zaprtih sidrišč in omogočite njihovo ponovno odpiranje.

  • Odpiranje slik v že zagnanih oknih programa GIMP deluje v okolju Windows bolje.

  • Zdaj lahko razmerje povečave pogleda vnesete neposredno v vrstico stanja.

  • Dodana podpora za uporabo spletne pomoči namesto krajevno nameščenega paketa pomoči za GIMP.

  • Omogočen zaklep zavihkov v sidriščih za preprečevanje neželenih premikov.

Orodja, filtri in vtičniki

Izboljšano orodje za prostoročni izbor

The freehand select tool has been enhanced to support polygonal selections. It also allows mixing free hand segments with polygonal segments, editing of existing segments, applying angle-constraints to segments, and of course the normal selection tool operations like add and subtract. Altogether this ends up making the Free Select Tool a very versatile, powerful and easy-to-use selection tool.

Slika A.7. Mnogokotni izbor

Mnogokotni izbor

Dinamika čopiča

Brush dynamics uses an input dynamic such as pressure, velocity, or random, to modify brush parameters such as opacity, hardness, size, or color; every brush supports size and opacity, most support more. Velocity and random are usable with a mouse. The Ink tool, that supported velocity, has been overhauled to better handle velocity-dependent painting.

Slika A.8. Dinamika čopiča

Dinamika čopiča

Brush dynamics have enabled a new feature in stroking paths. There is now a check box under the paint tool option, for emulating brush dynamics if you stroke using a paint tool. What this means is that when your stroke is painted, GIMP tells the brush that the pressure and velocity are varying along the length of the stroke. Pressure starts with no pressure, ramps up to full pressure, and then ramps down again to no pressure. Velocity starts from zero and ramps up to full speed by the end of the stroke.

Manjše spremembe
  • Added a bounding box for the Text Tool that supports automatic wrapping of text within that bounding box.

    Slika A.9. Text tool bounding box

    Text tool bounding box

  • Move handles for rectangle based tools like Crop and Rectangle Select to the outside of the rectangle when the rectangle is narrow.

    Slika A.10. Ročice pravokotnikov

    Ročice pravokotnikov

  • Orodju za premikanje so bile dodane omejitve gibanja.

  • Izboljšano glajenje dogodkov za orodja risanja.

  • Mark the center of rectangles while they are moved, and snap the center to grid and rulers.

  • Enable brush scaling for the Smudge tool.

  • Dodana možnost shranjevanja prednastavitev v vseh orodjih barvanja za prilagajanje barv, ki jih uporabljate pogosto.

  • Allow to transfer settings from Brightness-Contrast to Levels, and from Levels to Curves.

  • Dovoli spreminjanje prekrivnosti na predogledih orodja preoblikovanja.

  • Vtičnik za zajem zaslona je pridobil funkcijo zajema kazalca miške (z uporabo Xfixes).

  • Display aspect ratio of the Crop and Rectangle Select Tool rectangles in the status bar.

  • Zmanjašnje nasičenosti je dobilo predogled na platnu.

  • Vtičnik Plamen je bil razširjen z 22 novimi variacijami.

  • V mapah s podatki, kot so mape čopičev, se iskanje datotek izvaja rekurzivno.

  • Vtičnik za uvoz datotek PSD je nadomestil novo napisani vtičnik, ki zmore vse, kar je zmogla prejšna različica, zmore pa tudi drugo, kot je npr. branje barvnih profilov ICC.

  • Knjižnico Cairo uporablja več zaslonov.

    Slika A.11. Primerjava prikaza 2.6 z 2.4

    Primerjava prikaza 2.6 z 2.4

Pod pokrovom


Important progress towards high bit-depth and non-destructive editing in GIMP has been made. Most color operations in GIMP are now ported to the powerful graph based image processing framework GEGL [GEGL], meaning that the internal processing is done in 32bit floating point linear light RGBA. By default the legacy 8bit code paths are still used, but a curious user can turn on the use of GEGL for the color operations with Colors / Use GEGL.

In addition to porting color operations to GEGL, an experimental GEGL Operation tool has been added, found in the Tools menu. It enables applying GEGL operations to an image and it gives on-canvas previews of the results. The screenshot below shows this for a Gaussian Blur.

Slika A.12. Operacija GEGL

Operacija GEGL

Manjše spremembe

Ported many widgets to use the 2D graphics library cairo [CAIRO] for drawing. See this comparison for an example of how much better this looks.


Razvoj vtičnikov

Nekatere novosti bodo razveselile tudi razvijalce vtičnikov. Procedure lahko odslej podajajo natančne opise napak, podatek o napaki pa je mogoče posredovati uporabniku.

GIMP 2.6 also further enhances its scripting abilities. In particular there is now a much richer API for the creation and manipulation of text layers. Here is a list of new symbols in GIMP 2.6: [GIMP-NEWSYM26].

Združljivost s starejšimi različicami

Nekaterih starejših skriptov z GIMP-2.4 ni bilo mogoče uporabiti. Z izboljšavami 2.6 lahko poganja skripte različic 2.0 in 2.2.

Znane težave
  • The Utility window hint is currently only known to work well in the Linux GNOME desktop environment and on Windows starting with GIMP 2.6.1.

  • Uporaba orodja za besedilo trenutno ni optimalna izkušnja. Njegovo boljše delovanje je naš cilj za GIMP 2.8.

  • Če gradnje GIMP-a izdelujete sami in na svojem sistemu nimate podpore za GVfs, morate izrecno podati parameter --without-gvfs v ukazu configure, sicer odpiranje oddaljenih datotek ne bo delovalo pravilno.