14.5. Cell Noise

14.5.1. Overview

Generates a cellular texture. Results don't depend on the image you opened.

Filter applied with default options: scale=1.000 shape=2.000 rank=1

14.5.2. Activating the filter

This filter is found in the image window menu under FiltersRenderNoiseCell Noise….

14.5.3. Options

17.339. ábra - Cell Noise filter options

„Cell Noise” filter options

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Split view
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These options are described in 2. szakasz - Common Features.


Scale of the noise function: works like a zoom.


Interpolates between Manhattan and Euclidean distance: (1.000 to 2.000). Lower values give four spikes stars nuclei to cells. Upper values give circular nuclei.

Shape = 1.000


Selects the n-th closest point: (1-3). Cells are elongated.

Rank = 2


The number of noise octaves.


Fills each cell with a random color.