The paintbrush tool paints fuzzy brush strokes. All strokes are rendered using the current brush.
You can call the Paintbrush Tool in the following order, from the image-menu:
→ → .
The Tool can also be called by clicking the tool icon:
or by using the P keyboard shortcut.
This key changes the paintbrush to a Color Picker.
This key places the paintbrush into straight line mode. Holding Shift while clicking will generate a straight line. Consecutive clicks will continue drawing straight lines that originate from the end of the last line.
Normalt vises værktøjsindstillingerne i et vindue under værktøjskassen, så snart du aktiverer et værktøj. Hvis de ikke gør, kan du få adgang til dem fra billedmenulinjen via
→ → , som åbner indstillingsvinduet for det valgte værktøj.