3.4. Lens Blur

3.4.1. Overview

Figur 17.14. The Lens Blur filter

The Lens Blur filter


The Lens Blur filter

Lens Blur applied

Lens blur simulates an out-of-focus camera picture.

3.4.2. Indstillinger

Figur 17.15. Lens Blur filter dialog options

Lens Blur filter dialog options

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Split view
[Bemærk] Bemærk

Disse indstillinger er beskrevet i Afsnit 2, “Fælles funktioner”.

Aux input

This allows you to select an additional input layer or channel, that will be used to compute the lens blur. Clicking on the square picture allows you to select from a list of available layers and channels. The Aux input will only be used if this setting is enabled.


The size of the blur radius.

Highlight factor

Relative highlight strength.

Highlight threshold

Here you can set the minimum and maximum values for highlighting. It can be set either by dragging the black and white triangles, or inputting exact values into the number entry fields.

Clip to input extents

If enabled, this limits the output to the input extents.

Linear mask

If enabled, use linear mask values.