16.5. Basic I

16.5.1. Översikt

Figur 16.349. Example for the Basic I filter

Example for the ”Basic I” filter

Basic I applied

This filter adds a gradient effect to active layer alpha and adds a shadow and a background.

[Varning] Varning

The image will always be resized to the active layer's size.

The filter is derived from the Basic I logo script (FileCreateLogosBasic I in the image window), which draws a specified text over a background with a gradient effect and a drop shadow:

The Basic I logo script.

You can reproduce the gradient effect manually by using the Blend tool with the following options:

  • Mode: Multiply,

  • Gradient: FG to BG (RGB), where FG is white and BG is black,

  • Offset: 20,

  • Shape: Radial,

  • Dithering: checked.

16.5.2. Aktivera filtret

You can find this filter in the image window menu under FiltersAlpha to LogoBasic I.

16.5.3. Alternativ

Figur 16.350. Basic I options

”Basic I” options

Background color

This color is used to fill the background layer created by the filter. It defaults to white. When you click on the color swatch button, a color selector pops up where you can select any other color.


The name of this option refers to the text color of the logo script described above. Here this color - by default blue (6,6,206) - sets the basic color of the gradient effect: it is the color the alpha channel will be filled with before the gradient effect will be applied.