5.2. Exempel

Figur 3.48. Exempel I

Exempel I

Check Use color from gradient.

Exempel I

Select the Clone tool and set the source to Maple Leaves pattern.

Figur 3.49. Exempel II

Exempel II

Use FiltersRenderPatternGrid to create a grid. Use the Smudge Tool to draw a line with a slightly larger brush.

Exempel II

Use FiltersRenderCoudsPlasma to create the cool plasma cloud. Use the Erase Tool with a square brush to draw a line.

Figur 3.50. Exempel III

Exempel III

Use the rectangle select tool to select a rectangle, and then fill the selection with a light blue color. Select the dodge/burn tool. Set the type to Dodge and paint along the top and left side using an appropriately sized brush. Set the type to Burn and paint along the right and bottom.