6.23. Создать направляющую

The New Guide command adds a guide to the image.

[Подсказка] Подсказка

You can add guides to the image more quickly, but less accurately, by simply clicking and dragging guides from the image rulers and positioning them where you would like.

6.23.1. Активация команды

You can access this command from the image menubar through ImageGuidesNew Guide

6.23.2. «New Guide» Options

When you select New Guide, a dialog opens, which allows you to set the Direction and Position, in pixels, of the new guide more precisely than by using click-and-drag.

Рисунок 15.82. The «New Guide» Dialog

The «New Guide» Dialog


You can choose the Direction of the guide, either Horizontal or Vertical, by using the drop-down list.


The coordinate origin for the Position is the upper left corner of the canvas.