4.18. Remolino y aspiración

4.18.1. Generalidades

Figura 16.83. Ejemplo para el filtro remolino y aspiración

Ejemplo para el filtro remolino y aspiración


Ejemplo para el filtro remolino y aspiración

Filtro aplicado

"Remolino y aspiración" distorsiona su imagen de una forma concéntrica.

Whirl (applying a non-zero Whirl angle) distorts the image much like the little whirlpool that appears when you empty your bath.

Pinch, with a nil rotation, can be compared to applying your image to a soft rubber surface and squeezing the edges or corners. If the Pinch amount slider is set to a negative value, it will look as if someone tried to push a round object up toward you from behind the rubber skin. If the Pinch amount is set to a positive value, it looks like someone is dragging or sucking on the surface from behind, and away from you.

[Sugerencia] Sugerencia

El efecto pellizco se puede usar a veces para compensar la distorsión de la imagen producida por teleobjetivos o lentes ojo de pez (distorsión de barril).

Figura 16.84. Ilustración







4.18.2. Activando el filtro

You can find this filter through FiltersDistortsWhirl and Pinch

4.18.3. Configuración

Figura 16.85. Opciones del filtro Remolino y aspiración

Opciones del filtro “Remolino y aspiración”

Vista previa

Los cambios en los parámetros se muestran, inmediatamente, en la Vista previa. El remolino se centra en el centro de la capa activa o selección.

Whirl angle

Clockwise or counter clockwise (-360 to +360). Controls how many degrees the affected part of the image is rotated.

Pinch amount

Whirlpool depth(-1 to +1). Determines how strongly the affected part of the image is pinched.


Whirlpool width (0.0-2.0). Determines how much of the image is affected by the distortion. If you set Radius to 2, the entire image will be affected. If you set Radius to 1, half the image will be affected. If Radius is set to 0, nothing will be affected (think of it as the radius in a circle with 0 in the center and 1 halfway out).