12.7. Examinador de procedimientos

El comando Examinador de procedimientos muestra los procedimientos en la PDB, la base de datos de procediminetos. Estos son funciones que son llamadas por los scripts o los complementos. El examinador es más útil para los usuarios avanzados que escriben scripts o complementos.

12.7.1. Activar el comando

  • Puede acceder a este comando desde el menú de la imagen: AyudaExaminador de procedimientos

12.7.2. Descripción de la ventana del diálogo Examinador de procedimientos

Figura 15.213. La ventana del diálogo Examinador de procedimientos

La ventana del diálogo “Examinador de procedimientos”

The figure above shows the Procedure Browser dialog window. If you click on an item in the scrolled list on the left, information about it is displayed on the right. You can also search for a specific procedure by querying the procedural database with a regular expression on Search: text box:

por nombre

Shows a list of procedures which have code names that contain the part of name you entered.

por descripción

Shows a list of procedures which have blurbs that contain the word you entered.

por ayuda

Shows a list of procedures which have additional information text that contain the word you entered.

por autor

Shows a list of procedures which created by the author which has the part of name you entered.

by copyright

Shows a list of procedures which copyright are hold by someone that have the part of name you entered.

por fecha

Shows a list of procedures which have date of year that match the year you entered.

[Nota] Nota

This query is processed with text but not date value, so you cannot find some procedure entries even if their date contains the year you entered. For example, a procedure dated 2000-2005 does not match if you search procedures with 2001, but it matches with 2000 or 2005.

por tipo

Shows a list of procedures which have a one of four types: Internal GIMP procedure, GIMP Plug-In , GIMP Extension, or Temporary Procedure.