4.11. Handle Transform

Şekil 14.151. Handle Transform tool

Handle Transform tool

This tool allows you to apply moving, rotating, shearing, perspective and scaling corrections using handles placed on canvas.

Original image: a text layer

You can use 1 to 4 handles, and the effect depends on the number of handles. The tool acts on a selection, or, if there is no selection, on the whole layer. The active handle is bigger than the others. When the mouse pointer is on a handle, it goes with a small icon that represents the active action.

When you click and drag a handle, a transformation is applied, and the other handles stay at their place:

4.11.1. Activating the Tool

There are different possibilities to activate the tool:

  • From the image-menu: ToolsTransform ToolsHandle Transform

  • The Tool can also be called by clicking the tool icon:

  • or by clicking on the ShiftCtrlH keyboard shortcut.

4.11.2. Key modifiers


Press Shift and click on a handle to move it.


Press Ctrl and click on a handle to remove it.

4.11.3. Options

Şekil 14.156. Handle Transform Tool options

Handle Transform Tool options

The available tool options can be accessed by double clicking the Handle Transform tool icon. in toolbox.

Transform, Direction, Interpolation, Clipping, Show image preview, Guides
[Not] Not

See Kısım 4.1, “Common Features” for a description of tool options that apply to many or all transformation tools.

Image opacity

To set the opacity of the preview

Handle mode

These options are describes in key modifiers section.