3.7. Pixelize

3.7.1. Overview

Pav. 17.22. Example for the Pixelize filter

Example for the „Pixelize“ filter


Example for the „Pixelize“ filter

Pixelize applied

The Pixelize filter renders the image using large color blocks. It is very similar to the effect seen on television when obscuring a criminal during trial. It is used for the Abraham Lincoln effect: see [BACH04].

3.7.2. Activate the filter

You can find this filter in the image menu through FiltersBlurPixelize…

3.7.3. Options

Pav. 17.23. Pixelize filter options

„Pixelize“ filter options

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Split view
[Pastaba] Pastaba

These options are described in Skyrius 2, „Common Features“.


TODO. Not working

Block width, Block height

Here you can set the desired width and height of the blocks, in pixels.

By default, width and height are linked, indicated by the chain symbol next to the input boxes. If you want to set width and height separately, click on that chain symbol to unlink them.

Size ratio X, Size ratio Y

Horizontal/Vertical size ratio (0.000-1.000) of a pixel inside a block. Default value is 1.000. The number of blocks remains the same; so, if you change ratio, block size changes, and missing pixels are replaced with the background color.

Background color

Default background is that of toolbox. You can change it by clicking on color source or picking a color using the color picker on the right.