5.2. Apply Lens

5.2.1. Overview

Pav. 17.54. The same image, before and after applying lens effect.

The same image, before and after applying lens effect.

Original image

The same image, before and after applying lens effect.

Filter Apply lens applied

After applying this filter, a part of the active layer is rendered as through a spherical lens.

5.2.2. Activate the filter

You can find this filter in the image window menu through FiltersDistortsApply Lens…

5.2.3. Options

Pav. 17.55. Apply Lens filter options

„Apply Lens“ filter options

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Split view
[Pastaba] Pastaba

These options are described in Skyrius 2, „Common Features“.

Lens refraction index

Lens will be more or less convergent (1-100).

Keep original surroundings

The lens seems to be put on the active layer.

Background color

The part of the active layer outside the lens will have the background color selected in the toolbox.

You can select the color:

  • Click on the color button to open the color selector dialog.

  • Click on the eye-drop button on the right to pick color from the image.