Script-Fu scripts are similar to very powerful « macros » that you may be familiar with from other programs. Script-Fu is based on an interpreted language called Scheme, and works by using functions that interact with GIMP's internal functions. You can do all kinds of things with Script-Fu, but an ordinary GIMP user will probably use it for automating things that:
qu’il fait fréquemment,
qui sont très compliquées et difficiles à retenir.
Remember that you can do a whole lot with Script-Fu. The scripts that come with GIMP can be quite useful, but they can also serve as models for learning Script-Fu, or at least as a framework and source of modification when you make your own script. Read the Script-Fu Tutorial in the next section if you want to learn more about how to write your own scripts.
Nous décrirons certains des scripts les plus utiles dans ce chapitre, mais nous ne les couvrirons pas tous. Il sont tout simplement trop nombreux. De plus, certains scripts sont très simples et vous n’aurez pas besoin de documentation pour les utiliser.