10. 그라디언트

그림 7.23. 김프 그라디언트의 몇 가지 예제

김프 그라디언트의 몇 가지 예제

왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로, 전경색에서 배경색으로(RGB 모드), 채도 스펙트럼, 어두운 색들, 갈색 계열, 네 개의 기둥

A gradient is a set of colors arranged in a linear order. The most basic use of gradients is by the Gradient tool, sometimes known as gradient fill tool: it works by filling the selection with colors from a gradient. You have many options to choose from for controlling the way the gradient colors are arranged within the selection. There are also other important ways to use gradients, including:

Painting with a gradient

Each of GIMP's basic painting tools allows you the option of using colors from a gradient. This enables you to create brushstrokes that change color from one end to the other.

그라디언트 맵 필터

이 필터는 색상 메뉴에 있습니다. 회색톤 이미지의 각 점을 회색톤 농도에 따라 현재 그라디언트의 색상으로 교체하여 이미지를 색상화 하는 필터입니다. 농도가 0 이면 가장 어두운 색으로 그라디언트의 가장 왼쪽 색으로 교체되고, 농도가 255면 가장 밝은 색으로 그라디언트의 가장 오른쪽 색상으로 교체가 됩니다. 이에 대한 자세한 내용은 그라디언트 맵을 참고하십시오.

When you install GIMP, it comes presupplied with a large number of interesting gradients, and you can add new ones that you create or download from other sources. You can access the full set of available gradients using the Gradients dialog, a dockable dialog that you can either activate when you need it, or keep around as a tab in a dock. The current gradient, used in most gradient-related operations, is shown in the Brush/Pattern/Gradient area of the Toolbox. Clicking on the gradient symbol in the Toolbox is an alternative way of bringing up the Gradients dialog.

Many quickly examples of working with gradient (for more information see Gradient Tool):

A few useful things to know about GIMP's gradients:

The gradients that are supplied with GIMP are stored in a system gradients folder. By default, gradients that you create are stored in a folder called gradients in your personal GIMP directory. Any gradient files (ending with the extension .ggr) found in one of these folders, will automatically be loaded when you start GIMP. You can add more directories to the gradient search path, if you want to, in the Gradients tab of the Data Folders pages of the Preferences dialog.

GIMP can also load gradient files in SVG format, used by many vector graphics programs. To make GIMP load an SVG gradient file, all you need to do is place it in the gradients folder of your personal GIMP directory, or any other folder in your gradient search path.

[작은 정보] 작은 정보

웹사이트 OpenClipArt Gradients [OPENCLIPART-GRADIENT] 에는 상당한 수의 흥미로운 SVG 그라디언트가 있습니다. 만약 웹브라우저에서 SVG 파일을 지원하지 않는다면, 다운로드해서 보아야 합니다.