5.3. 경로와 선택

김프에서는 선택을 경로로, 그리고 경로를 선택으로 바꾸는 기능을 제공합니다. 이에 대한 자세한 사항은 선택 섹션을 참고하세요.

When you transform a selection into a path, the path closely follows the marching ants. Now, the selection is a two-dimensional entity, but a path is a one-dimensional entity, so there is no way to transform the selection into a path without losing information. In fact, any information about partially selected areas (i.e., feathering) are lost when a selection is turned into a path. If the path is transformed back into a selection, the result is an all-or-none selection, similar to what is obtained by executing "Sharpen" from the Select menu.